Its that time again...Time to face the music. Tipping the - TopicsExpress


Its that time again...Time to face the music. Tipping the scales at 251 lbs I had really lost all hope of ever being me ever again. I used to be happy and people used to like being around me. I had even forgotten who she was or how she got so far removed from my life. Day by day, one pound at a time and then she was just gone. The person I became was bitter and hateful and now I understand it was because I was unhappy with myself and what I had become. I justified my weight with excuses like my blown out knee, bad shoulders, my mothers genes, having 3 children and working too hard. Keep in mind the before picture was taken AFTER I had lost around 45 lbs. This photo was taken when I started my Beachbody transformation. I started the week of Halloween, THE single busiest week of my life as I run a Haunted House every year. (another excuse NOT to do this...Im busy). I had physical problems and knew my weight had a lot to do with it. My knee was damaged with basically non existent meniscus and torn ACL. Both of my shoulders have rotator cuff tears and the medical community had decided to not do anything about anything nor offer any advice. I was stuck in stupid. I met this gal online and she was talking about Shakeology and after doing my own research finally decided to give it a shot. I got the workout dvd with it and figured Id be able to do that someday. Well, I started as soon as my package arrived. I joined her challenge group and couldnt even do one squat, nor push-up. Jumping was out of the question so I really wasnt sure how this was going to play out. Each day, I followed my instructor on the screen and thank goodness they have modifiers. I was able to do a little each day and the support I received from my challenge group was what really kept me going. I remember crying while I was reporting in about the first time I could tie my own shoe and cut my own toe nails. I had ran out of clothes, money and options and really had no choice but to make this work. I followed the plan, did the workouts, drank my shake and each day I would notice subtle changes. I was walking a little taller, chin up, chest out and became human again lol. I had worn out the inner thighs of my sweats and had sewn them repeatedly as I did not want to wear another pair of sweats EVER AGAIN!!! Every time I write this testimonial I cry recalling all of the pain and pleasure that came along with my transformation and the people that helped keep my spirits up even when I felt like laying down. There is a lot to be said about having some skin in the game. I had already invested the money and the sweat and began wondering how far this was really going to go? What size was I going to arrive at? I noticed my happiness level was coming up a little more each day and it stayed there. No mood swings. I was actually positive and hopeful that I was going to finish this. Little did I know it would become a lifestyle and discovered I was not on a diet. I was never hungry and didnt really crave anything that got me to that size. It felt so good to be good I didnt want to cheat. I have gone from a size 24 to 9 in a few months and continue to have progress each month. Be it in weight, inches or in photo. My attitude and lifestyle has done a 180 and now I just cant stop being ME! Shes baaaaaack and Boy-O-Boy was she missed. There are some folks who will never have to feel the pain of being overweight and be ridiculed by friends, family and the general public. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. If you think folks around you arent noticing, yes they are. They are just being too nice to talk about it. Trust me, I heard the whispers when I left occasions. Only the ones with real guts said it to my face. I really hated them for that. Now, I understand. They were just trying to help. Not the best way, but effective all the same, because treating this like the 300 pound gorilla in the middle of the room will never address the real issue. Your Quality of Life is diminished. Im not trying to get skinny, Im getting healthy. Size is the byproduct not the goal. The goal is having a healthy and productive life. This is what lead me to becoming a Beachbody coach. I continue my journey every day and if youd like to begin your journey with me, please contact me anyway possible. I can help you, but you have to want to help yourself first. Private message or e-mail movalsocalgal@gmail Im crying and have to stop typing now...
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:41:04 +0000

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