Its that time again where I feel the need for a bit of a - TopicsExpress


Its that time again where I feel the need for a bit of a semi-political rant. You can skip the rest of this if youre not interested in my thoughts. I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum. Those out in the far right and those out in the far left and those in between. They post things on Facebook (or other social media outlets) and Ill sometimes go and read them if a particular topic is of interest to me. If its a newspaper article or a blog post theres usually an area for comments and sometimes Ill browse through the comments to see what the internet trolls are up to. One thing Ive seen the last few years that concerns me is the total onesidedness of so many people. Conservatives referring to anyone who doesnt agree with them as Libtards, or bleeding heart liberals or whatever - or falling back on the good old 50s era Commie Pinko or whatever. Liberals referring to anyone who doesnt agree with them as Gun nuts or Teabaggers or whatever. Both sides certainly have their extremists and theres many things I dont agree with - which is why I try to stay out of that sort of thing, and usually post funny pictures etc - but the hatred between the sides is appalling. In a democracy, sometimes the other side wins. When Bush #2 was re-elected President, you saw all these Democrats going OMG! Im moving to Canada!. And the Republicans laughed at them or told them to not let the door hit them in the butt as they left. Four years later, Obama is elected and now the same Republicans were moving to Canada and the Democrats were the ones yelling Dont let the door hit ya. Its reached a stage where it doesnt matter what someone says, the other side just says No! on principle. Im half convinced that it the current President (whoever he or she may be at any given time, now or in the future) emphatically stated that the sky was blue, that the other side would go out and prove that there was a conspiracy afoot and that it really was green but only appeared to be blue ... right up until they held the balance of power and then it would be magically blue again. The political gap has grown so far the last decade or so ... and appears to be growing wider ... that it makes me wonder how anything will get done going forward. There just doesnt seem to be room for intelligent conversation any more - its purely Im right, youre wrong coming from both sides. Its getting tiring and I wish there was a way to bridge the gap, but that solution for that will have to come from a smarter man than me. (There, I feel somewhat better. If theres any follow on comments from this and opposite side mutual friends start a war on my feed, I reserve the right to delete any inflammatory remarks and followups. Have your political fights on your own news feeds. Gracias). We now return you to our regularly scheduled geek posts.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:38:57 +0000

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