Its that time kids. What time you ask? It’s rant about biased - TopicsExpress


Its that time kids. What time you ask? It’s rant about biased crap that pisses me off time. So here’s the thing, why is it that up until around the 70’s, the way science worked was with the scientific method (you know: ask a question, form hypothesis, test hypothesis, report results), but after that it was: don’t ask question, decide you don’t like something, make hypothesis, do not test hypothesis, use doctorate to claim hypothesis is actually a scientific fact, use political connections to make laws, counter research by a real scientist proves your hypothesis wrong, nobody listens, laws stay in place. In the event that you haven’t gone outside today, it’s friggin cold; colder than normal for a Georgia January. Granted, I haven’t been on God’s gift to man called planet earth for very long, but my grandfather tells me the last time it was this cold, my mother was a teenager. Here’s some food for thought, from September 2012 to September 2013 the amount of ocean covered by ice increased by 29%. ( Many scientist are now saying we’re entering “Global cooling.” With this in mind, why are emission laws as prevalent as they are? (the ones manufacturers have to follow, not county laws... in articular) Well, without claiming they are fact, I will submit a few hypotheses for you reading pleasure. (imagine that) 1) The government loves you very much and wishes only the best for you and your health…. Laughable, I know. 2) The U.S. dosent want to burn its own oil, (for what-the-hell-ever reason) and wants to rely less on middle-eastern countries for fuel. Emissions requirements like retard spark and catalytic converters reduce the performance and increase the cost of COMBUSTION vehicles in every aspect. This helps to increase the demand for a greener vehicle that doesnt burn gas or diesel with better performance by handicapping the cheaper, more reliable, and more simplistic method of thrust. Downside is the government underestimates the creativity, tenacity, general obsession of engine designers along with the slower than predicted progression of ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE renewable energy sources, and more laws are eventually made to further cripple combustion vehicles i.e. gas guzzler tax. 3) Renewable energy corporations have their hands in the pockets of politicians. 4) both 2 and 3. I’m told all the time that “We’re eventually going to run out of oil and we need an alternate energy source NOW!” I don’t totally disagree. We are going to run out of crude one day, but until that day comes… no, actually not even on that day, do I think it’s a good idea to choke economy in the name of “leveling competition.” That’s the way capitalism works: see a need, fill a need, make money, repeat. Right now gasoline fills that need pretty damn well, and once it can no longer do that, another energy source will have it’s time in the sun.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:46:33 +0000

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