Its that time of year again where the holidays are here. For some - TopicsExpress


Its that time of year again where the holidays are here. For some this is a time of reflection, spending time with family and friends, making a list of gifts to give to close ones, and planning for the year ahead. For others its the worse time of the year. Freezing temperatures, no where to live, not knowing where their next meal is coming from. No family, no friends. Addictions, depression... for once I wish that ppl not just here in the city but all over would just take a minute to take in their surroundings. And not have their noses stuck in their cell phones. It happens more often than not ppl are so oblivious to everything that when something occurs they do not know what to do and worse off not know whats going on. Either here in NYC, in the states, or another country/countries. Ppl need to stop being so self absorbed, naive, and more aware of the going ons in their respective communities, their city, and state. The reason I say this is because I see the total disregard, and lack of empathy that goes on here in NYC. I also see a generation where the only thing of interest is computers, cell phones, facebook, youtube, twitter, etc... the internet didnt exist til I hit about midteens. Yes I had to trekk in snow, and walk in the rain to go to school, to the library, etc... there are some of us in this world who arent fortunate enough to have shoes, clean running water, food, a proper education... if you do consider yourself lucky. Go and ask your parents, your family the hardship and struggles they had to go through to get to where they are today. And also take the time to notice the littlest of things, a childs smile and laughter, a beautiful work of art, photography, snow, rain, and just exist in that moment. Random acts of kindness that you do and see around you, seeing something occur and either saying something (if you think its safe) or taking some action to help in some way, shape, or form...think of what you may feel if you were to walk a mile in someone elses shoes, if you see anyone being abused or mistreated stop and think what if this were a loved one. Not look and frown, and walk away with indifference. Always remember what you put out in the universe comes back to you threefolds. And actions do have consequences. Though I got to see how rude and oblivious people were with me last year a lot of good cake from it. Now I fight harder when I see someone who is ignored and abused. I always have but my beliefs, and convictions have become stronger. And as cliche as this saying sounds Do unto others as you would have done unto you. And if you cant do that then remember what your mother would say to you when amongst strangers ; Mind your manners. Yes this is longer than my usual novellas but this post should make everyone pause and think. This should apply to everyone. Be thankful for what youve got... Blessed be...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:19:52 +0000

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