Its the day after Thanksgiving and I finally have time to sit down - TopicsExpress


Its the day after Thanksgiving and I finally have time to sit down and write all the things for which I am thankful (hey, grammar police, I didnt put the adverb at the end!) I am so thankful for my family... my husband who has driven me and stayed for every appointment during my adventure with breast cancer, who has supported me and provided comfort during the low times, and made sure when I felt up to it, we went and did something fun. My daughter, Sara Bellin and my son-in-law Duane, who am happy to have living only 5 minutes away. They make each other so happy, and bring out the best in each other. I am thankful for having the best parents in the world, who have been there for my brother and me though thick and thin. My mom and dad showed us the way to beat this disease with grace and strength. They are my heroes! My brother who cheers me up & makes me laugh anytime we talk on the phone and has given me 2 precious nieces and serves this country as a Colonel in the army. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do for our country. My in-laws, Lance, Michael, Brenda and Joe for sending me cards (Lance and Joe), making our Cabbage Patch Doll wigs for Halloween (Brenda) and posting beautiful, calming pictures of the Atlantic Ocean on Facebook (Michael). Our niece (Lances daughter) Lisa Reeves Speckheuer and her husband Johannes and their adorable little girl, my great niece, Zooey. Keeping up with their adventures is always fun... and visiting with them is even better. Now that I am feeling better, its time to take Zooey to Legoland, and perhaps another visit with Mickey. My cats (all 7 of them) for providing endless entertainment and snuggling with me when I didnt feel well. They are the sweetest kitties in the world and Im so happy to be their Kitty-Mama. Call me a crazy cat lady, if you like.... I will wear the title proudly! I am thankful for all of the doctors, nurses, therapist and administrative workers at UF/ORMC Cancer Center, who have provided, not only the necessary treatment, but love and support. My needs were not only met, but anticipated and take care of immediately with compassion My friends who have made sure that I didnt sit around feeling sorry for my self, sent cards, messages and called me on the phone. A huge shout out to Bev Cunningham for knowing what I went through and keeping me sane. Thank you for lending me books, meeting me for lunches, introducing me to the Pink Ladies Support group. and showing me that there is not only life after cancer, but a better life. My friend Julie who watched movies with me even when I fell asleep during them, and has been there no matter how chemo-brained. Also thanks to Peggy who is my shopping buddy and dear friend and would go with me at a moments notice when I needed shopping therapy and makes the most delicious desserts around! To my exercise group and physical therapist staff who are some of the best ladies I have ever had the pleasure to meet who provided prayers, and words of comfort and understood when I had to stop going to exercise during my chemo treatment. I hope to be back there really soon! To my friends that I made while working at Disney. I love you all, and am so thankful for having you as friends. Thank you for inviting me to your awesome wedding, Angie Calabrese, for the calls, texts and FB messages, Hastings, for the support and calls, Nick and for continuing to send me messages on FB to cheer me up, Bridget, Tabia, Renee, Bethany and my DHSGR family. I love you all and am so blessed to call you my friends. I am thankful for having an understanding workplace in Universal, who went above and beyond to make arrangements when I couldnt continue working at Diagon Alley after the diagnosis and helping me to find another seasonal position so I could keep working for you. Thank you to my high school and college friends who have called, messaged and kept messaging into the night when I couldnt sleep due to the chemo and steroids..... Brent and Pierce! I cannot tell you how much that helped! Thank you to the the Ladies Sunday school at Oakland Presbyterian Church who have been praying for me and including me in the Christmas pageant this year, even before they knew I would be feeling up to it. I cant wait to be in The Boars Head Pageant in a few weeks. Thank you to my Moonlight Family for including me in the Moonlight Murder Mystery, inviting me to parties and providing entertainment. Cant wait to see the next show and audition again! In very strange way, I am thankful for having to travel this road with breast cancer. It has made me a stronger and calmer person and taught me to roll with the punches, and appreciate the little things in life. I hope I havent left out anyone!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:07:22 +0000

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