Its the day after game day and all through the town No one is - TopicsExpress


Its the day after game day and all through the town No one is smiling; were feeling quite down. We cheered and we prayed, but it wasnt enough. We cant say next year, and thats whats so tough. Its been a great season, with quite a few records broken But right now that wont comfort these hearts that are broken. For the love of the game, for the love of each other, You stood side by side, everyone was a brother. We BELIEVED that you boys would take us to State But unfortunately, that just wasnt our fate. As time moves you forward, your hearts will heal With glory and pride, no one can steal. Those coaches taught you more than just how to play; They taught you to be good young men everyday. Youve played with more heart and soul than most But though youve earned the right, you wont boast. Its not in your character to be conceited, Which is why it hurts to see you defeated. Remember as you seize your life with both hands There are great things to come and for that you can plan. We love you Auburn Boys of Fall Every player and coach, one and all! Good Luck Seniors on your next journey!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:42:05 +0000

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