Its the end of 2014.. and yeaa.. der r differences in emotions of - TopicsExpress


Its the end of 2014.. and yeaa.. der r differences in emotions of everyone- some are happiee and some wud miss it.. for some it was a huge success and for some it was full of challenges.. Its not necessary dat u must have a diary full of 15 plans but some lessons which we learnt about lyf till now need to b remembered everytime by heart- -> Life = Problems (80% brainstorming, 20% somewhat easy) + Achievements (80% by intense hard work, 20% easily).... -> God gives the hardest problems to his strongest soldiers... -> Committing mistakes is the proof that u r trying ur level best.. -> Business and Friendship resemble sea and sky... -> Consider every problem as an adventure and urself as a gamer.. -> Donn make ur lyf an open book.. it will become a public commentary site otherwise.. -> No need to hide your emotions, this world doesnt deserve emotional control... -> Support whom u idolize, love what u lyk, do what you want to and work for what u dream.. throw away the person who tries to stop u.. -> Happiness resides in ur heart, u dont have to seek it in things and people.. -> Every problem comes with a solution.. open ur eyes, mind, brain and heart to seek it.. -> Multiple failures doesnt mean u r dumb.. it means u r removing the incorrect methods from your way.. -> Seniority and respect arise from knowledge, not age.. -> Dont ever expect support in ur lyf.. Everyone is busy in their own and expectations always hurt.. -> The one who cares for u has the right 2 b angry on you.. -> U will always b opposed and hated by many people.. donn let any fear or insecurity reside in u because of them.... -> Of this entire world, your circle comprises of merely 5% of which 1% hate u, 2% donn care, 1% r friends and 1% is the family.. so dont feel insecure about the people who give u a not invited or hate look.. -> Dont shed tears for anything lost.. Theres much more to b gained.. And last.... You are on this earth to achieve a purpose u promised to god, donn die b4 achieving it ;)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:19:38 +0000

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