Its the little things Beer-Sheva is dead quiet and has been - TopicsExpress


Its the little things Beer-Sheva is dead quiet and has been since this started. No one is outside - no kids playing, people talking. Its eerie. Which I only notice when I have to go outside, because, of course, these days Im spending most of my time inside too. I realized on Friday that that is probably true of every city in the northern South - Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ofakim, Netivot, Dimona, and all the Kibbutzim and Moshavim. Take out the garbage now? How fast can I run back home to get to the shelter? Decide to take out the garbage and then am thankful when the siren goes off a few minutes after I get back. Hang the laundry outside or use the dryer? Hanging the laundry outside saves electricity but it means Im outside for 10 minutes at a time twice - once to hang it up and once to take it in. I hung it up outside all the while bracing for a siren (and expecting it to be much louder since I was outside). We planned our walk to and from shul on Shabbat: 2 year old in baby carrier on us, 4 year old in carriage but not strapped in. No scooters for 4 and 7 year olds since they go too fast and get too far away. We walked a way that has houses and a wall next to us the entire time. My 4 year old wanted to walk another way - I told her next week. Im glad she is still oblivious enough to ask, but Im afraid I didnt handle it so tactfully since I was practically jumping out of my skin. I was calmer on the walk back on Shabbat afternoon - 4th time was somehow easier. The anticipation and unexpectedness are worse than the reality - not knowing when itll go off and the full bore adrenaline rush to gather up the kids and get to the miklat that actually leaves my hands shaking a little afterwards. After hearing about the house that was hit in B7 two neighborhoods over and completely destroyed, we decided to close our miklat door as well. Its an old time miklat from when war was expected so it makes an interesting clanking noise when I lock the door. When we were planning our move to B7, Tanya was pregnant with Netta (our 2-year-old) and she used to dream up more renovations to the house when she couldnt sleep. Last night as we were going to sleep at 1:00 AM, she firsts suggests we move the full body Milega poof into the miklat. Then we ordered a turtle online. One of these light up turtles that make constellations on the ceiling. The idea - warm up the experience of the miklat since running to it at all hours of the night and day and then sitting on the cold floor for a couple of minutes staring at each other is getting old as she put it. This weeks mission - paint pictures on the walls of the miklat since we now have many more visible walls having cleaned it out so we could all fit if there was a rocket attack while we were hosting Friday night dinner (there was) and Shabbat lunch (there was).
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:07:48 +0000

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