Its time china was reminded that they are our trading partners, - TopicsExpress


Its time china was reminded that they are our trading partners, not our financial masters. With no manufacturing industry and the mining sector dying a slow death we as a nation need to remember 2 things, we survived for 200 years economically without china, and our core business was agricultural. So with the sale of prime agricultural land to china and other foreign buyers, who practice paddock to the plate, paying no tax, how do we Australians benefit? Our food security gone. No benefit to the nation , the Chinese wanting to supply workers on the agricultural purchases, we must ask how the hell did we get here? Simple. Incompetence, from the incompetence I exposed in the Victorian government or Mps beholden to their donors that funded election campaigns. They got to where they are on the advertising budget rather than policy or A lack of coal face experience. We are 2 minutes from midnight. We benefit nothing from the energy mining invasion, we have all but sold the farm, and whilst the government pats itself on the back over the free trade agreement, has anyone asked where the additional million head of cattle are coming from given that most of northern Australia is in drought and have shot their breeding stock? And what did china get in return? They got the right to buy more land and Sue any government that tries to clean this mess up in the future. When a government has to wrap the fta in bullshit as thick as a million steers, you should be worried. But dont fret, the government and its media mates will bedazzle you with gp co payments and 3 word slogans so the city cousins can enjoy their soy low fat late guilt free and those who live west of the dividing range are never heard while we all slowly become servants on our own land. When will some one in government grow a set? Forget the shirt front, Abbott needs to fill in his y fronts. You could not buy a broken chair in china let alone prime agricultural land. My suggestion, give foreign investors a 3 year grace period to sell up. At which point ownership is transferred to the crown, and the foreign investment becomes a 25 year lease. At the end of the lease the land is put back on the market. Either an Australian citizen can buy it, or the foreign investors can buy another 25 year lease. With all monies raised going to infrastructure projects.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:21:54 +0000

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