Its time for DAY 2... The 6 Day Challenge: Day Two Tuesday, - TopicsExpress


Its time for DAY 2... The 6 Day Challenge: Day Two Tuesday, December 30, 2014 Your challenge, should you choose to accept it today is as follows: Today, be intentional about being ON MISSION for God. Look at the following verse: 2 Corinthians 5:20 (ESV) Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. God did not go through all of the trouble of creating a beautiful, horrible plan in which He would leave the splendor of glory to come to a broken world to die on an old rugged cross so that we can live comfortably inside of our comfortable, insulated-from-all-ugliness lives. If He loved people so much that He was willing to step into this mess of a world, then as His AMBASSADORS, we should be doing the same. An ambassador is a representative, and as we see in 2 Corinthians 5:20, we are to be that ambassador for our beautiful savior. Ok, so you’ve heard this all before. Get out there. Go get em, Sparky! Set the world on fire… Ra. Ra. Ra. Now how do we do it? Let me start by imploring you in what not to do. At least for today. Today, don’t get all stirred up and feel like you have to jump on a stump. Today, don’t go knock on a stranger’s door and freak them out. Today, don’t do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Today… start by praying. Pray that God will send you a DIVINE APPOINTMENT. Here’s what I mean. Talk to God… however you do it…. prayer closet, in the shower, in the car, on your face… whatever & however you get there, just get there. And while you’re there, tell Him that today, you want Him to send someone to you who you can tell your story. Then be ready. When I do this, most every time, someone will walk into my office, or there will be a car broken down on the side of the road, or someone will come to me needing something, or someone will tell me about a serious struggle that they are experiencing. Today, when that happens, be ready. Be ready to give them what they need. Listen to them. Be WITH them. Be GENEROUS to them. And tell them at the appropriate time how that when you have gone through your struggles that God was with you. This will not only help them, but it will also grow your faith. And one more thing. Don’t get worried that you won’t know what to say, or that you can’t quote 10 Bible verses. Just LOVE them. And let them know in your words how Jesus has loved you well. Maybe they already know Jesus. Maybe they don’t. And maybe today, because of your willingness to be in the moment, and your willingness to pray for a DIVINE APPOINTMENT, and your willingness to love like God has loved you… maybe you will get to introduce them to Jesus. Now go get em, Sparky! Have a great Tuesday. JL
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:45:08 +0000

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