Its time for TJs Rules for Men! 1. Never Call “Dibs” 2. - TopicsExpress


Its time for TJs Rules for Men! 1. Never Call “Dibs” 2. Don’t ever READ a prayer... 3. Have the ability to realize when a joke or a funny line has made it’s way around and have the will power to stop using it no matter how many people continue to use it. Ex: “First World Problems” 4. Never say something is your “fav” unless it is in jest. 5. Remember when and where you wore specific clothes. If you wore your favorite shirt to church, then skip church the next week; don’t go get that same shirt. Most people would say that others don’t pay attention closely enough to notice, but a lot of people do. 6. Remember all dates that are important to your wife/girlfriend…. Birthday, Anniversary, etc. Plan ahead and be listening to her for about a month prior to the occasion so you can get her something she wants. It’s not like you have to sit and hang on her every word. Women are CONSTANTLY talking about things they want. I would dare say that at least 25% of their sentences start with the words, “I need”. If you can’t pick up on anything on your own, ask her best friend or whomever the chick is she hangs out with the most. 7. If your lady is clearly mad about something and you want to know what it is, ask her what’s wrong no more than twice. If she snaps, “Nothing is wrong,” say, “well good, I was worried something was bothering you,” then walk over, kiss her on mad forehead, and go on your merry way. Usually before bed that night she will come to you and spew those 3 cringe inducing words that signal to all men, “I’m about to find out why she’s mad.” Those words? “It’s just that……..” 8. Use your memory to be passive aggressive like a woman does in order to show her when she’s been a B**** to you. If you ask your wife to do something simple that you would like and she responds rudely and makes you feel small or like an idiot for asking, remember the exact words and inflection she used to tell you she wasn’t doing that, so the next time she asks you for something, you can respond to her the EXACT way she responded to your request. She will freak out! When you come clean and say, “well, that’s exactly what you said to me when I asked you to put your hair in pig tails when the kids were gone,” she will say, “I DID NOT SAY IT LIKE THAT! BESIDES, THAT WOULD HAVE MADE ME FEEL WEIRD!!!”… But she will know you’re right.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:09:31 +0000

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