Its time for a Pauline story to celebrate yet another fantastic - TopicsExpress


Its time for a Pauline story to celebrate yet another fantastic year in the life of our dear, sweet Pauline! When Pauline was little she didnt like to talk much rather she was a person of action. She would spend her time carefully observing everyone and everything around her. Taking in whatever it was that suited her and easily leaving the rest behind. The most common sound youd hear from Pauline was her heartfelt laughter. As a toddler she loved laughing. Her cousin Perry would love to entertain her with his many antics because he would get such a joyful noise from Pauline. Even if you didnt know what was making her laugh, just hearing her laughter made you smile. That beautiful sound has never left her. Her laugh is still one of my lifes blessings. Although now she is much more willing to carry on a conversation, she still remains a woman of action. Her words are filled with heart and love. Her laughter is still the happiest of sounds. May this Birthday find you making that joyful noise my sweet girl for all those around you to share and delight in like I have all my life since you entered it. You are a blessing beyond measure. A divine gift for which I am grateful with every breath I take. Love you more than you could ever know and may all your inner most dreams come true. You are worthy of that my precious daughter and then some. Happy Birthday! Xronia Polla. May God continue to bless your journey and lead your way. SAgapo Poli, Momma X0X0X0
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:37:15 +0000

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