Its time for a post of my own. Sometimes when Im in the woods - TopicsExpress


Its time for a post of my own. Sometimes when Im in the woods alone, I experience a phenomenon a couple of friends have identified as attunement. First I feel detached from my physical body. Then I feel as though an electric current is passing through me, that I am vibrating in harmony with everything around me. I will feel a profound, strong connection to the world around me--above and below, seen and unseen. My heart will race. I will begin shaking physically, most likely from the adrenaline rush. I definitly feel a connection to Something Greater. I feel as though I am approaching a boundary or a doorway to Someplace Else. After a certain point, I snap out of it. I can do so consciously at any time, but I always let it run its course. I must be alone and in a natural environment for this to happen, and it must at night. The full moon has a lot to do with it. So does nearby water. I cannot predict when its going to happen, and trying to make it so never works. Its been happening since I was eight years old. The first few times it terrified me; that was back when crazy people just went away and nobody talked about them any more. I soon realized I was on to something. Does anyone else here experience anything like this or have an explanation or diagnosis?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:07:42 +0000

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