Its time for another character analysis! In case you havent seen - TopicsExpress


Its time for another character analysis! In case you havent seen my update yet, I said Ill be doing these segments on the Angeloids on the weekends, while Ill be doing others on the human and angel characters ever couple of days during the week. Without further ado, its time for the highly anticipated character analysis of Nymph! First debuting at the end of the second volume, Nymph was introduced as an Electronic Warfare Angeloid, type Beta. She was the first Angeloid besides Ikaros to appear, and came to earth in order to return Ikaros to her old masters in Synapse. After beating Ikaros to a pulp, she attempted to restore her memories, only to accidentally allow her to tap into her inner power, unleashing her Uranus Queen form. After easily being defeated. she told Ikaros that she could only keep her secret for so long, and it was only a matter of time before her master discovered the destructive weapon that she was created to be. While she was created for battling purposes, Nymphs strength isnt in her physicality. Her sonic attack Paradise Song is powerful, but pales in comparison to the attacks of every other Angeloid. What makes her useful is her technological capabilities and high intellect. Her radar is the most powerful of all the First Generation Angeloids, though it becomes significantly weaker without her wings. Her P-Stealth System allows her to become completely invisible and undetectable by other Angeloids, and she can alter reality itself with her hacking. In her evolved form, she gains the Fundamental Particle-Jamming System, Aphrodite, which can delete an Angeloids imprinting, and even temporarily shut down Synapses defense system, Zeus. While she isnt based on a character or god from Greek mythology, Nymph is based on the divine spirits of the same name. They were able to animate nature, and were generally thought to be young, beautiful maidens who loved to dance and sing, hence why her main attack is a sonic weapon, and why she loves to sing so much, even if she is terrible at it. Although, appearance-wise, Nymph is based more on the modern, more pixie-like rendition of the creatures, as shown by her wings. Nymphs character archetype is one of the most common ones used in modern anime: the tsundere. Theyre people who frequently run between hot and cold, switching from irritable, to cute and cuddly. Usually they start off as rude, harsh characters who treat others poorly, only to warm up as time goes on. Their tsun half can range from brutally chastising those around them, to throwing childish fits, Nymph obviously falling under the latter for the most part. Like many tsunderes, she is also short, and appears younger than most other characters. She also has a small chest, bringing about some anxiety and jealousy whenever Tomoki mocks her for it. While that may sound rather cliche, Nymph is actually one of the most developed characters in the entire series. At first, she started off as a very rude and arrogant character, traits she obviously inherited from her master, Minos. She referred to humans as bugs, treating them all as if they were beneath her. She even treated Ikaros, the mighty Uranus Queen, as if she were no better than dirt, calling her a broken toy as she kicked her around and and beat her without remorse. Beneath this, however, was a tormented individual who was just trying to win her masters admiration. After growing close to Tomoki while trying to kidnap Ikaros, she began to realize just how awfully she was treated. She didnt know anything other than her current lifestyle, but after seeing how kind the people of earth were, she decided to abandon her mission and run far away from Sorami City so that her collar bomb wouldnt harm anyone once it exploded. Unfortunately, Minos sent the Harpies to try and fool her into following his orders once more, but she saw right through this rouse and attacked them both, only to have her wings torn off. Soon afterwards, Tomoki and the others rescued her, forcibly removing her imprinting and defeating the Harpies. Nymph had lost her arrogance, but from this point on, was incredibly insecure. She felt that no one would accept her without her wings, even with Tomokis support. Astraeas playful teasing and Chaos illusions tormented her even further, but after Tomoki offered to be her master and told her that he didnt value her any less even without wings, they grew back, and her confidence returned with them. However, she still felt inferior to Ikaros, but was too shy to take up Tomokis offer and imprint on him. By the end of the series, Nymph became an emotionally stable and proud girl who could stand up for herself. While still wishing she would be Tomokis Angeloid, she was able to evolve thanks to him finally ordering her, and Hiyoris friendship and support made her able to love herself the way she was. She even accepted that Tomoki might have feelings for another, refusing Minos offer to become his Angeloid again and sacrificing herself to destroy Zeus. After being revived, she remained her sarcastic and childish self, though seemed to be more forgiving as she had lost her grudge against Chaos and the Harpies. Nymphs anime counterpart was portrayed well, capturing all her important traits and masterfully executing her first few character arcs. The only thing that was changed much was that her tsundere part was emphasized slightly. She would have a few more fits than usual, but would also appear even more childish and innocent than in the manga. They also have her even more hacking abilities, being able to strengthen the other Angeloids with a pseudo-evolution, and create a large field in which she can hack everything within it. This was most likely added to make her seem more competent when compared to the anime-only Uranus System. Nymph is one of the fan favorite characters, as many of the cutesy, tsundere characters tend to be. However, her likability goes beyond her character archetype, as she develops far beyond her cliche and shows how an abuse victim slowly grew out from her chrysalis, spreading her wings and becoming a beautiful butterfly, as shown quite literally by her evolution. From the beginning to the very end of the series, she was one of the most important and loveable characters, and I dont believe SnO would be nearly as beloved as it is without her. Thats the end of my third character analysis! If you feel that I missed anything important about her, or simply interpret the character differently, feel free to leave a comment below and tell me your thoughts on the character. Never forget, there isnt such thing as right or wrong when it comes to opinion, so always feel free to speak your mind here. Now that Ive done Beta, Ill be moving onto the next Angeloids in the Greek alphabet this upcoming weekend: my personal favorites, the Harpies! However, if youd like me to do one of these segments on a non-Angeloid character in the meantime, feel free to leave suggestions! ~Tomo-chan
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:53:45 +0000

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