Its time for me to take a stand regarding pedophile rumors. FOR - TopicsExpress


Its time for me to take a stand regarding pedophile rumors. FOR YEARS now, there have been terribly mean, vicious and unfounded rumors spread about me and my band and the integrity under which we operate. The truth is I never really cared. I knew that by letting these people dwell in their own negativity and leaving it all behind, me and Indubious would continue to rise through our focus on love and bettering the lives of everybody we came across. It has definitely worked in our favor and every day of my life is filled with such joy, magic, love, and adventure that I barely have a second to stop and pay mind to this hatred. No more details need to be shared on that. I love you, I love myself and my intention is as pure as a diamond and I have no need to defend myself to the world. My actions always have, and always will speak for me. The point at which I DRAW THE LINE is when you start attacking people we love dearly and hold close in our hearts. Rumors are being spread that Ted Talk from singing bird farms is a pedophile. The details of this rumor contain complete fabrications and are loosely based on events that happened when he was in a long, vicious custody battle with his ex wife. His ex wife had accused him of molesting kids in order to get custody of their child. Ted passed 6 lie detector tests and won full custody of his son. These rumors include Ted having a daughter in Eugene that has spoken out. Ted does not have a daughter. Over the years Ted has proven himself to me to be one of the most loving, kind hearted, generous, conscious, moral, and trustworthy individuals I have ever met. He works tirelessly and selflessly, giving of his free time and money to any and all causes he sees fit. I am blessed to have him and his beautiful family in my life. This does not mean the jury is out. We can all come together still and make sure there is no threat with an open community talk, if we all wish. This would include having the accused there to be able to defend himself. But spreading rumors of this magnitude without any FACTS is not the way we should ever go about anything. We are all thoughtful, conscious, loving and compassionate creatures and everybody deserves the same respect in this regard. Let me be clear that I am on nobodies side. I am on the side of love and truth. All of you people who continue to spread this information, I love you so much and I have open arms to you in my life. I know that you have good hearts and are looking out to protect the community in your own way. You are a part of me, a part of my family, and I will never see it any other way. I know the things of which you speak of me. I do not speak the same negative things of you. I support you, your works, and pray for your success. I know what it is like to have these sorts of feelings in my heart about other people and I have infinite compassion and patience for you. I am very pleased, excited, and content with the way things are progressing in our community. As the negativity comes to the surface, it gives us all a chance to look directly at it and see if it serves us or not. We get to cleanse out the darkness in our hearts to make room for more love. It is my sincere desire that this will lead to a community talk and get together where we can discuss the things that have been tearing this community in half for far too long. Communication is the key. If you have an issue with me or Indubious, there is no way for me to know or make it better until you bring it up with me. Until that happens I will continue to assume that everything is all good! I take full responsibility for anything I may have done wrong in the past, present, or future and I apologize. I have no attachment to being right or wrong. I only have attachment to LOVE and forgiveness. I hope you value the same concepts and we can unite in order to magnify this magic we have in our hearts and share it with the world! UNITY is the word, UNITY is the way, UNITY is what we will create!!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:39:43 +0000

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