Its time for revolution.If you still wallowing around and your - TopicsExpress


Its time for revolution.If you still wallowing around and your convinced that Europeans will not wipe you off the planet before long. Delete me. I see some of your statuses and it lets me know for a fact that if a war breaks out we would have to kill our own people in order to defend our children and women. These negros dont read and they are cowards unless they are facing their own people in the streets. But when it comes to economic political and social power negros only know one trick. Create a church where stressed out negros will be and take collection for hoop and holla. You cant preach to Gods Sun about being down. I go to the Source. You tell me how will we get our National status back as we had before we became Christian subjects and before you knew anything about hell after death. And this is Peace talking. Im like the U.S. Military. Peace comes through strength. Wake up cowards. Belly flopping negros that are immune to seeing your people abused and miseducated. Im done letting out steam. I hope I stepped on some toes because the European will step on your behind. So wake up. Or get off my time line. Go to your hole in your house and cry for a Messiah or Google Prophet Noble Drew Ali and join the Moorish National and Divine Movement. We are trying to save ourselves and the entire human family by taking our place in the affairs of men under our God Allah given rights which are the only ones available for anyone. Not A civil right or granted privilege given by an administration of a foreign jurisdiction that can be taken away at will. Enforce the Constitution which ours. The Mosaic code is the foundation of all laws on the planet. The Moors(we) were here practicing Moslem Law before Christopher Columbus was thought about. We told him how to get here. His ancestors thought the world was flat. Ask your European friends do they know about the Moorish Empire that controlled Spain and who are the people they called blackaMoors. Stop playing! Its 2014. The year of Allah and Man. 2+0+1+4=7 Get some knowledge and give it to your brother so he can research. This not valentine day. This is Holy Day. Valentines is another Roman trick with a history you know nothing of. This what got you enslaved in the mind. Following another mans idea which never did you any good.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 18:19:16 +0000

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