Its time to lack the lack!A few years ago, we were on location to - TopicsExpress


Its time to lack the lack!A few years ago, we were on location to shoot a new movie and we seriouslyneeded 6 laptop computers for actors on set. We could not lay our hands on any. It was an ensemble of young,broke actors who were extremely energetic to make things work. We were only able to borrow two systems which were efficiently managed in that scene. I didnt have a computer then,anyway. To me, laptopsat that time were like golden facilities available only for angels. Before the end of the shooting, one of the owners of the systems we had borrowed surfaced to get her laptop. We begged but she insisted she needed to hurry somewhere. I felt bad a little because the disappearance of that facility would affect the continuity of the work. I felt terribly bad about the fact that I could not afford a common laptop that was already in vogue at that time. But I hid my emotions and we finished the project.Few weeks ago we were planning a production and I simply announced that I needed about 30 laptops for a scene. In 24 hours,more than 30 people have listed their names to lend us. I wouldnt even have to use my own computers in the film. I was already surrounded by young people whom God has tremendously blessed with what I got embarrassed to get a few years ago. I should not even come on facebook to announce to wonderful friends like you.. I wont get less than athousand laptops! Now, my greatest lack then, is itself lacked already.What do you need that is very scarce today? What resources do you need to run your dreams? Have you been embarrassed as I was once embarrassed? What is weighing down your spirit? What is that thing you thinkof as the greatest lack in your career?...not to worry...its a matter of time!Get excited!When a mans lack is also lacked,it means the lack is gone and there is surplus already.Its time for increase!Its time to lack the lack!MY OPINION
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:49:29 +0000

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