Its time to take just a moment and reflect upon the events of - TopicsExpress


Its time to take just a moment and reflect upon the events of 09/11/01, close your eyes open your mind and seek to truth! What was our role and how can we learn from past mistakes? We must be willing to understand who we are, what we have done and be willing as a nation to be held accountable. There has to be a way to exist in this world as a people who love, practice and live the way of liberty and peace! Remember liberty is the by product of practicing Natural Law. Natural Law as our Creator teaches us should apply to this entire world and our involvement in it. Its time to bring all of our people home, close our borders, and perfect this nation as our forefathers intended, our banner should reign from sea to shining sea, with liberty and justice for all not just a few! Pray for our nation today, may we learn to respect the liberty of our fellow man both here and a broad! In other words bring our people home, protect the citizens from the violent atrocities of others, and maybe, yes maybe if we would demand the idiots in the whitehouse stop bombing people in other nations with drones, perhaps those bastards would go back to killing each other and leave our people alone!!! REMEMBER FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS A REACTION, when they murder, torture and behead innocent Americans could it be they are only responding to our involvement in their nation? America the home of the free and the brave should not be mistaken as condoning our advancements on other nations! They too have a right to live as they choose! Freedom is not for the meek of heart for it demands YOU ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE, you are free to live boldly, and successfully just as much as you are free to fail and flounder if that is your choice as long as you do not step on the rights of your fellow man to live as he chooses! America, is not an easy way of life, it is a life of personal accountability! If your choice is to live off others, I am sure there is a nation somewhere in this world you can find to live as a habitual food stamp, welfare whore! Feel free to find your place in this world, I will gladly pay the airfare to move you there! Think of the money we shall save when you are gone.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:51:13 +0000

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