Its time to wave your entire problems bye. Right now is your - TopicsExpress


Its time to wave your entire problems bye. Right now is your moment. Tomorrow may be too late. Seize your moment, time and day. Too often, great opportunities pass you by because you are not ready, but this opportunity will not pass you by. You will never regret in life. Put aside all fears, worries, disappointments, doubt, failures and just go for it. Make the most of this prayer opportunity to get the answers to all your desires. God almighty will grant you all that is required in life to make you happy and prosperous. The bible declares in James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Gods good gifts and perfect gifts from above is raining on you right now and no power contrary shall be able to stop them from getting to you. This is the opportunity you have been looking for and waiting for. Mark 10:46-52 “Blind Bartimaeus received his sight, when the opportunity presented itself and he called on Jesus. Luke 8:43-48 The woman with the issue of blood didn’t allow her time and chance to pass her by Get ready now to receive your deliverance, breakthrough, healing and prosperity. Receive God’s peace, joy, grace mercy, favour and goodness in full measure in the mighty name of Jesus christ. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 03:59:18 +0000

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