Its uber important to have a SPECIFIC AUDIENCE for everything you - TopicsExpress


Its uber important to have a SPECIFIC AUDIENCE for everything you do... and I dont mean just your target market for your biz in general... I mean that every piece of content you write, every video you make, every program/product you create, every blog you write, every email you send, etc. They each need to have a SPECIFIC AUDIENCE. You can use this formula every time you are putting something out there... ____ WHO _____ For example: “Podcasters who want to get more traffic.” “Women entrepreneurs who lack sales skills” “Photographers who struggle to charge & get what they are worth” Make sure you have a clear audience in mind when you create ANYTHING... and it CAN BE slightly different for each thing... as long as you stay true to your overall target market and niche. Think of it as a micro-audience description... For example, even though our main target audience is... Purposeful online entrepreneurs who want more clients + freedom The micro-audience for this particular post is... “Online entrepreneurs who want to improve their copywriting skills”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:45:59 +0000

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