Its very difficult to sit in a Church listening to a sermon about - TopicsExpress


Its very difficult to sit in a Church listening to a sermon about the End of days from a Preacher who is wrong about the end of days because he cannot tell what time it is. And then every once in a while he throws in a little about a complete Salvation that he knows little or nothing about, in his ideas of a "fulfilled something or other" that it is clear he knows nothing about. He speaks about a Rapture and People need to get right before that happens, and again he is wrong. He says ------------ 1. we are on earth and if we die, we go to heaven…. 2 at the rapture, we come back to earth…. 3 at the rapture we go back to heaven…. 4 at the 2nd coming we come back to earth 7 years later to be there for 1000 years…. 5 after the thousand years, we go to a new heaven and earth? What? He says the sign of Jesus coming is what took place in 1948 as Israel becoming a nation again, and again he is wrong. Matthew 24:2 says the sign of his coming is not a single stone of all the pretty building would be left standing. That took place in 70AD. It can be safely said not a single thing he said was right or true, Now I ask you, why would anyone want to listen to this type of hype on a weekly basis? Not a single bit of any of this is true to biblical Hermeneutics or proper exegesis.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:46:44 +0000

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