Its vitally important to analyze the current Ebola scare - TopicsExpress


Its vitally important to analyze the current Ebola scare objectively. Throughout the recent false-flag Swine Flu Pandemic scare of 2009, communities around the world were manipulated constantly by Mainstream Media outlets (in lock-step with Government health departments), via an ongoing barrage of misinformation, negative hype & fear-mongering propaganda. By the time all the dust settled it was unanimously determined by most experts in the scientific arena, H1N1 has ultimately turned out to be, from a pandemic perspective, a dud.” Dont allow yourself to be drawn into the propaganda. Within a year, this will, once again, be proven to have originated in a CDC laboratory. The recent Ebola outbreak in Africa coincides with a massive Meningitis Vaccine campaign targeting 100s of millions of Africans; notably including all four African countries (Guinea, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone) caught in the epicentre of the viral spread. The cost-effective vaccine, MenAfriVac®,(less than US$0.50 per dose) was kept outside the cold chain for up to four days at up to 40°C. The Vaccine Resistance Movement is investigating the link between this potentially rancid supply of vaccines and the sudden surge in cases of Ebola. VRM
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:49:50 +0000

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