Its weird hey? We grew up not knowing any of Australia s - TopicsExpress


Its weird hey? We grew up not knowing any of Australia s beginnings. We were taught about the first fleet, about pioneers and settlers, convicts and European immigrants. We were NOT shown pictures depicting Aboriginal enslavement or inhumane treatment. . We were NOT told that tribes of thousands of people were already here but we were taught about Terra nullus - and the educating of Indigenous. .. You would think by now in this new society of multiculturalism that has excluded religion and persecution of political opinion that we would have advanced in our own direction of Democratic freedoms. . And yet here we are still being denied the truth in our houses of education and right now are having this liberal/national party reawaken a hatred not felt by our majority ever before. . Im glad because as it turns out -Victoria is the first state to reject Mr Abbott and his plutocratic ignorance of Australia and our people. . This is our opportunity to reject this Liberal/National exclusionary ignorance and oppression and move our country forward and promise ourselves to not ever allow another oppressive or ignorant government in again. .. Samantha Jane Roberts 2014.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:53:34 +0000

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