Its with much regret and after many long years that the sheet - TopicsExpress


Its with much regret and after many long years that the sheet music has run out for Captain Jack. I would like to thank all those who have played a part in what, for me has been an honour and plaeasure to be associated with such incredible musicians. Firstly to Peter Lasdauskas & Ken White (Richmond Valley RidingSchool) my dear friends who started this journey from a lounge room in Risdon Vale and progressing to the shed. I will remember the early days with revere and sometimes trepidation as you never quite knew what to expect coming thru the sliding door after 10pm on a practise night (yes Penny... you know who you are) To Craig Dumas thank you for your time & I will always remember your Cannuck sense of humour and quirky ecclectic taste and of course your renditions of Needle and rhe Damage Done are forever etched into my memory. To The Freak Baz Lowe who had a birthday seemingly at every gig... lol I will never forget your words of wisdom, temperance and your amazing sense of humour ya ratbag. Tanny & I still to this dsy talk about that time we arrived home to 26 East Derwent to fi d you in the back yard and seeing your head bobbing over the top of the back gate... Too funny... Thanks to your wife Mel Lowe for her friendship, smile and sharing her voice on occasion. I do hope your young family are all well and healthy. We miss you. To Brett Shea what a wonderful friend, plumber and talented musician. My memory takes me back years ago to the Mount Nelson Tavern to where I first saw you playing lead/rhythm in your dads band at the age of 14. Wow! and to have you play with us you bought a flair we hadnt experienced previously. I will especially love & remember La Grange forever. Cheers Mr Goodfella. To Mark Wookiee Gunton & Adam DSilva... Thanks for joining us and taking us to a whole new level musically. I thank you guys for your energy and your musical wizardry. I do wish you had joined us at a different time and place as we may have had a different fortune. I wish you all the best with your current and future bands. To Andrew Krambousanos I am still in awe. Who would have thought that back in those days when Darrel Byard took me to The Duke to see Melbourne Race 7 that I (no we) would have the pleasure of having you in our lineup. Mr Santanos I thank you!!! The last 10yrs of gigging with you guys has been a pleasure and a privilege. Thank you for the hoghs and not so many lows and the best musicians and bunch of guys anyone could hope to play and be friends with. I do hope one day soon we can get together and play one final gig with us all there. Man that would rock da house!!!! Billy...
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:30:58 +0000

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