It’s Not Me! It’s You! 12 Hours to go before toughest day - TopicsExpress


It’s Not Me! It’s You! 12 Hours to go before toughest day of my life….. A weekend of pain maybe, but I chose to be here. People fighting Cancer had no choice whether to take on this evil monster. You know the truth is Cancer picked the fight with me and had it not I would not have took on any of these crazy challenges. I am not what you would describe as reasonable on a good day, fact is Cancer picked on the wrong bloke. When you lose people you love in an instant or from illness I think it gives you a huge feeling that life can be extremely unfair. As a child this happened to me and ever since I have stood up against all and anything that I deem unreasonable. You know somebody said to me recently that I could seek help to heal the pain I feel inside…”Help!!! I said I don’t need help to make anything go away. I never want to forget or be anybody else. I love who I am, what I do and why I do it”. In 12 hours I am going embark on a monumental Sisyphus task. I am scared I am doubtful, the thought of doing this awful journey keeps me awake and leaves a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have been through this twice before so I know what’s coming. But I have to attempt this journey one more time. I know what I do inspires people in lots of ways the thousands of messages I have received and stories I have been told over the years lets me know that this crazy Fridge adventure has done a lot of good. It was never about world records, finish lines, recognition or awards. What started out as a crazy bet got a little bit out of control, but my Great North Run story ends this Sunday. I could not have done the things I have done without all your wonderful support sometimes very sad stories and most of all your acceptance of why I was doing what I was doing. Me receiving awards of any kind does not sit well with me I am a fundraiser and like millions of others I do it because I am passionate about my cause. When I set out on this journey all those years ago I thought it would be something I would do all on my own! But it feels like the whole world got behind this crazy bloke carrying a fridge. I have not raised any money at all. What I do is draw the world’s attention to my cause. The money was donated by people who care. Sometimes they baked cakes or held raffles in my honour or just sent a text or made a donation. I did not raise any cash it was given to my charity from the pockets of hard working people. As fundraisers we should remember that. I do what I do for a reason and as I walk down the street the praise I get on a daily basis is very, very humbling. So all I want to say is that if this is a fridge too far and I am not around next week. It was never me IT was You. God bless you all for all your beautiful community spirit its been a fantastic whimsical tale and I have had a blast xx #Be Relentless… #Live in the Moment… #Believe we can… #Beat Cancer Please support my final Great North Challenge this Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 September and toot your horns and give me a cheer because this is going to be the toughest day of my life. Please text Frid93 followed by £ and whatever you can afford in aid of Cancer Research UK. Live in the Moment Be Relentless Regards Tony the Fridge Please RT & Share Thank You
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:14:45 +0000

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