It’s Personal – Monday Day 16 Two Questions And falling to - TopicsExpress


It’s Personal – Monday Day 16 Two Questions And falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" And he said, "Who are you, Lord?" And he said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. - Acts 9:4-5 As we close the series “It’s Personal” this week we are going to look at two questions that you should be wrestling with when it comes to the question of whether or not you will ever become a believer in Jesus Christ. Only Two Questions. But you might say, “Bob I have a lot more questions than two, there are tons of questions and reasons why I have not become a Christian. But as we have said in this series, and we have said it over and over in different ways; People don’t become believers because they get all their questions answered, they become believers because something comes along that shrinks all the questions down so that they are just not that important anymore and it becomes very personal. In the first week I gave you the example of marriage: Guys have objections to the category of marriage before they get married, like “I don’t want to lose my freedom, I can’t commit to someone for life, I can’t afford to get married, and what if I meet someone else…” These are all great objections to marriage but then you meet someone – and she changes everything! And suddenly all those reasons for not getting married don’t go away they just get smaller because marriage becomes personal. Our objections to the category of Christianity all became smaller when we met Jesus – it became very personal. On the second week Marcus gave us a list of reasons why two children are good but having that third child is too much. Remember, “Two’s company but three’s a crowd, you need a bigger car, bedrooms and bathrooms become an issue, and the third child is somehow a billion times more expensive…” And then Marcus asked the people of Cypress to come up with more reasons to add to the list of why a third child is too much, and he brought a helper up on stage to write down all the reasons. If you remember his helper was Lane, his third child. Suddenly it got really quiet as people who might have had really good reasons why families should stop at two kids, couldn’t share them because it got really personal. See, when you have that third child you don’t even consider all those reasons anymore, they don’t even matter because it becomes personal. When you hold that baby you fall in love and all those objections fall away. Then last week I shared how a Yale Professor of Physics showed us that it was impossible to hit a 90 mph fastball. And even though we could not disprove his numbers, and even though we were not as smart as the professor we knew he was not right: because we have seen someone hit a 90 mph fastball. And we are willing believe the undeniable over the unexplainable every time. Just because you don’t know how a jet engine works, you still get on that plane, and just because we don’t understand how God can change a life through belief in Jesus Christ, we can’t deny that it happens. Yesterday Marcus shared two questions people ask that are important, but as he said yesterday and as we will share this week they are the wrong questions: What About? Why Would? What about the creation story and what about the Red Sea dividing and what about miracles and dinosaurs on Noah’s ark and what about… Why would God make man if He knew he was going to sin and why would God allow suffering and why would he send people to hell and why would… Those are all great questions and they deserve to be answered but what Marcus asked you to do is to set those good questions aside for a time while you answer two questions that really matter: Who Is? What Happened? If you can answer the questions “who is Jesus and what happened 2000 years ago” then it begins to be personal to you. The other questions will put you in a spiral of questions, some of which never get answered and when you are done you will be no closer to a relationship with God. But these two questions are critical if you are ever to understand who God is. Have you wrestled with these questions? Saul met Jesus on a road to Damascus and the first thing he wanted to know? Who are you Lord?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:20:22 +0000

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