It’s Sunday…I am loved. I turned 70 yesterday (sort of proud - TopicsExpress


It’s Sunday…I am loved. I turned 70 yesterday (sort of proud and surprised to have made it this far). I got to go out for dinner with family and back home for cake, an all round nice evening. Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes! In thinking about my ‘rants’, it hit me that some folks will be thinking that I am anti democrat, not true. I just can’t seem to find one to support. To be fair, we probably can’t find more than six true statesmen (or stateswomen) in all of congress. Over the years I have seen a number of folks go up to Washington full of hope with stars in their eyes. They were going to ‘make a difference’. The system either chews them up and spits them back home or corrupts their souls. The lifetime thieves up there do it with compromise. They will convince the newcomer that if they will ‘just give a little’ on something that they don’t believe in, they can expect the same in return…horsepucky. Some folks want term limits, we have term limits, built into the system: VOTE ‘EM OUT. The system is already so corrupt that if we try term limits, they will all just have to steal faster, then they will pass their position on to friends and relatives, ad nauseum. (Did I spell that right?) I would like to see some ‘truth in advertising’ though. The democrat party should have to change their name to socialist or the ‘I’m going to use your tax dollars to buy votes’ party. The republican party might be in the pocket of big business but at least with business, we get some fallout in the way of jobs. Do you know that we have government agencies that use tax dollars to hire lobbyist to get more tax dollars from congress? Is there something wrong with that? Harry Reid says: “There is no need to have a conversation with the republicans.” As an elected official of the American people, it is his JOB to have conversations. Nancy Pelosi says: “Barack Obama is non-partisan.” Does Botox mess up your brain? Nuff said! (Please share)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:42:47 +0000

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