It’s Sunday…I have been paying Social Security Tax since I was - TopicsExpress


It’s Sunday…I have been paying Social Security Tax since I was sixteen years old. I have seen studies that show what someone of my age who has paid in the maximum tax every year would have in savings if that money had gone into a savings account. It is a lot more than I will ever get back from the government. So, when I see some thieving politician refer to Social Security as an entitlement and hear that echoed by their lackeys in the media, I get angry. When I see these congress people, who seem to think of themselves as royalty, bestow favors on those who donate to get them re-elected, I get a little more angry. I can imagine a scene: Pelosi, Reid and Obama in 17th century Europe standing in a huge ballroom while waiting for the entertainment to start, perhaps the live roasting of some of the ‘little people’. And jumping all around them like some insecure little lapdogs, the media, competing to see who can gain favor from the royals by saying the sweetest things…even if they are not true. You see, the problem has to do with how the word ‘entitlement’ has been redefined. Most of us who collect Social Security are ‘entitled’, we’ve EARNED it. It’s when they lump it in with welfare and all of the other give away programs that I start to be bothered. Has anyone else ever noticed that these slimeball politicians never threaten to withhold welfare checks. They don’t want to frighten their voting base. (Before someone starts claiming that I am out of touch, I know that they don’t give ‘checks’ any longer, it’s just some symbolism I’m looking for here.) We are a nation rich enough to take care of our young and our old but NO NATION is rich enough to take care of our politicians. Vote ‘em out! Nuff said! (Please share.)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 03:20:17 +0000

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