It’s Sunday…Some ‘TRUTHS’: Cops know who the bad cops are; - TopicsExpress


It’s Sunday…Some ‘TRUTHS’: Cops know who the bad cops are; Teachers know who the bad teachers are; Lawyers know who the bad lawyers are; Doctors know who the bad doctors are and there is little doubt that bad public servants know who the bad public servants are. Why are all these groups completely unwilling to clean up their own messes? There are reports that when Jackson-Lee starts to speak in the house that everyone leaves. The woman is an idiot. The people in Harris county are going to continue to reelect her so is there really nothing that can be done? Hank Johnson from Georgia thinks that Guam is going to ‘tip over’. Do the democrats actually have some kind of ‘stupid test’ they give so that they can be sure they can control the morons that get elected? I have to be realistic here, the republican party has their share of idiots too. What is sad is that the media will destroy someone who is not an idiot in order to keep the present administration in power. Most of us can remember when there were a few investigative reporters who would risk everything to go after a politician who was stealing from the public coffers. Have they all been bought off? Have they all been blinded by the ‘light of their idealism’? Or can it be as Jerry Clower has said, “They are educated well beyond their intelligence.”? Folks, I’m not just venting here and I’m not being sarcastic just for the fun of it. (I did read, not long ago, that we need a ‘sarcasm font’.) We need to get organized. We need to get every American, Red, Yellow, Black or White…Brown, Green, Mauve, Puce, etc. (get the idea?) who is smart enough to understand that we CAN NOT continue to spend money we don’t have. Perhaps ‘Facebook’ is the tool or at least one tool. Our nation has fallen under the control of ‘block voters’ and ‘metropolitan centers’. According to figures I read, less than fifty percent of the eligible voters have gone to the polls for decades. Maybe we all need to go outside on some certain day at a certain time and shout: THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! Mr. Obama was elected by the metropolitan centers of America. Have we really created generations of people who think, “I’ll get mine while the getting’s good and to HELL with my children and grandchildren, let them fend for themselves.” It would appear so. But, another thing that makes me really, really angry is when the media lump Social Security in with welfare as an ‘entitlement’. I have been working since I was sixteen, paying taxes and watching people sell their vote to some politician to get even more of my money. The point of this weeks ‘rant’ is: VOTE ‘EM OUT’, vote them all out and if we ‘throw the baby out with the bath water, well, it is okay…it is ‘Rosemary’s Baby’. Nuff Said!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:40:54 +0000

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