It’s Sunday…What a man! What an intelligent man! Of course - TopicsExpress


It’s Sunday…What a man! What an intelligent man! Of course I’m speaking of our beloved president, Mr. Obama. Thanks to him we now know that Europe is a country. All these years of history and geography shot to hell. The man completely rewrote his own history and now he is doing it for the world…What a man! His handlers obviously let him out without a teleprompter. We have all seen how well he does with that situation; the media can’t even hide all of it. We were told he was eloquent, bright, a great speaker. Turns out he is just a good reader. I’m reminded of an old saying, “It is better to remain quiet and have everyone think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” This man is so dumb that he has to where loafers because he never learned to tie his shoes. Well now he has someone to do that for him, and we, the taxpayers pay for it. Jimmy Carter always made me feel like he was one of those people we knew growing up, book smart but no common sense. This guy president Obama, is just dumb. Oh I know, some of you are saying, “Well he was smart enough to get elected.” Look back at what he has accomplished with his life and you will discover that ‘he’ did not get himself elected, his handlers did it for him. A picture was painted of this wonderful, intelligent, caring black man who could solve all of America’s problems. Throughout the campaign we kept getting glimpses of problems with the picture but the media kept painting over the flaws. Are race relations better than they were? Is the economy better than it was? Is the world’s view of us better than it was? By the way, “America is now a ‘developing nation’”. (According to president Obama.) He may be right about that, I’m just afraid of what it may be developing into. Nuff said.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:38:19 +0000

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