It’s a blessed day Mid of June, our team had gathered and - TopicsExpress


It’s a blessed day Mid of June, our team had gathered and started planning for this “A Day with Manjushri” Blessing Puja event. Through the planning, many problems arise and it is quite challenging for us. However, good news then came in and put smiles on our faces. One thing that I’m feeling very proud for this event is that I have a very strong and powerful organizing team. This organizing team talks craps from day one till today and till now. But the laughter we had throughout this whole event is very memorable. All this would never happen if we do not have a same spiritual path. I’m glad that we are all blessed to be together, having fun and practicing together. I pay homage and thank the Triple Gems, for showering our event with all great blessings. I would like to thank my Guru, H.E. Tulku Ashak Rinpoche. for leading the puja and giving us spiritual guidance throughout the event. His Eminence started the Manjushri Puja with us 3 years ago, with His guidance and support we grow and improve year by year. I would like to thank my committee team. Michelle Lim Thank you for being the one who always be there whenever help is needed. For the past few weeks, we did many cleaning and preparations for the centre. Actually its kinda fun doing cleaning but I hope we can maintain the centre as clean as now laa. Throughout the whole event you’ve improved allot, planning your own responsibilities and jobs, looking after volunteers and participants. Handling so many things without any big doubts, you’ve really got my respect. Continue to have fun, enjoy in doing Dharma works. Help us grow Bodhi Heartz and grow new people to have your qualities. Once again thank you for every effort you’ve put in for us. Wen Quan This is the 1st time you join the organizing team and I must say we are very lucky to have you. From the 1st meeting, I see your effort in your own job. Maintain that effort in everything and it will lead you to successes. Besides that, I heard praises of you being very helpful during cleaning, you never complain a single thing and you just do everything. Surprisingly, this is the 1st time you join a Tibetan Puja but you are the 1st person I can really rely on for the setting up of the fire puja wood. When I go down and see the place, WOW ! it was great and we should thank you and the volunteers who helped you for the beautiful fire today. From the start till the end, you’ve never let me down and I want to thank you for your effort. So once again, thanks bro and we will always need your effort and spirit within our team. Mun Hong aka wealthy worm. The joker in our team, endless craps that make people laugh non-stop. Although you always joke around and not serious during planning, but you too never let me down on your responsibilities. Every time when a task is given to you, you will start to joke and crap around which makes me worry but after that, you still complete it. You have good P.R. skills, you’ve never refuse to try out new things and know new people. Emcee skills also not bad ahh, so now we have a new emcee in our team already! Throughout the whole event, you too join us for a few sessions like shopping, cleaning, preparations and discussions. Well, all filled with laughter and you too help allot and talk allot (one topic from start till end non-stop, got money got money). Anyway, thank you again Bro for joining us and making us all smile throughout the event. Please do stay with us and I’m sure our team would always want you around with us. Thanks ! Chee Wei Since BHYC started, you’re always there to support and help me. You never complain anything and always put in much effort to do everything you can to help us. Thank you for being there always and thank you for your efforts. This time, you’ve done a great job. Although it is your 1st time joining this Puja, but I can see that you’ve put in effort to understand the whole schedule and did your best to organize the volunteers. You too never complain much about your job, you will always do your best for all the tasks given. But I find you don’t always smile. So please laa smile more to people, and your photos many all blur face one. Thanks for being part of Bodhi Heartz and I hope that you will always be with us because you are always one of the Bodhi Heartz family. Also wanna thank 2 important people Leong Vicki Thank you for supporting us and thank you for all the help and contributions. For the past few weeks, you always pack lunch and cook dinner for our volunteers who went to do cleaning and preparations. Everyone enjoyed your good food. Thank you for cooking the herbal drink for Guru and me as well which helps allot. We’ve been organizing events and helping out in centre since last year and we always have fun and joke around non-stop. Thanks for all the help and effort you’ve put in. Aunty Cindy Big THANK YOU for Aunty Cindy. Thank you for joining us in almost every event. You’re always there to advice and look after all Bodhi Heartz people. Thank you for support and help to our group. We are glad to have you to be part of the Bodhi Heartz family and we all thank you for your effort and contribution to our team. Not forgetting our two photographer, James Wong and Swea Ying. Thank you for running around with the camera, capturing scenes and recording videos. Thank you for the efforts and support to our event. Other than the committees, I would also like to thank all volunteers of the event. Thank you for all the effort and thank you for participating. Without you all, this event will never workout either. So you guys are all important to us. Make sure you all soon join in the organizing team ahh. Once again, thank you !! Lastly, thanks to all the sponsors, donors and participants of the events. Thank you for all the contributions and thank you for supporting our event. I felt so blessed after this event, not only the prayers but the energy that our team has. I would like to ask for everyone’s forgiveness if I have done any mistake. Once again, thank you all for supporting and participating. We hope that this event will continue every year with everyone’s support and we hope that Bodhi Heartz Youth Club will grow and improve year by year! HUAT AHHHH ! We share all the merits gathered from today’s event to all sentient beings, all our parents, family and friends. May everyone be blessed with good health and happiness. May everyone receive the wisdom blessings of Manjushri Bodhisattva. Om Ara Pa Tsa Na Dhih Ng John Son with Metta
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 17:02:38 +0000

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