It’s a wheel of life, that has been spinning unassumingly, - TopicsExpress


It’s a wheel of life, that has been spinning unassumingly, quietly and with complete determination, for all mankind; those who have not abdicated their purpose, their sense of blooming - those who have relied in their intrinsic centre – who have tapped into their core consistently, and pursued what they are here for, have thrived, and were favoured by this wheel of life; this is an open secret of quietly rising. Like in all times, as in all days – quietly people have crushed the psychological hurdles AND the visible hurdles, to attain what they have set their energies and sights on; so life – the individuals’ lives – will themselves, perpetually quietly. Quietly people are making a life, like in all times, out of their misery and squalor; quietly people are defying obstacles set by man; people without an open defiance are quietly making a common retreat from a (capricious) world of “empty promises” and chance, to re-engineer their own paths to their destinies; quietly people are no longer putting off their efforts to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps; quietly people have gone deep within and found an anchor to breakthrough – like a germinating seed that silently breaks the crust of the earth. Quietly the odds are dismissed as odds; quietly people have nullified the odds; quietly people are not submitting to proclaimed limits; people are quietly indicting how low their intellects are supposed to go; quietly people are making their distinctive leap a year at a time; quietly people are igniting their inner flames that will awe and warm the rest of mankind, rather than rot in the infernal flames of unyielding anger. Quietly people have established high standards for their future; quietly people without wealth or honour are creating greatness – a peasant is guiding and raising her own star; quietly people are no longer trapped in a warp of race; quietly people are seeing themselves as humans amongst other humans; quietly people are relying on small networks while big networks are lethargic; quietly people are dreaming in all academic fields; quietly people are doing what blooming flowers do: they rise slowly, quietly, in the absence of the glare of the gallery of eyes, to their peak, and daily manifesting the patience – with themselves and the environment they rise in; quietly people await actively their season of achievement with hard work while a motley crowd lead by their folly – beating their own drums of no movement; quietly people are watching with their ears closed to any talk that has no vision; quietly people are finding solutions to their lives through the universal knowledge. Quietly a formation of great people is gathering; quietly people are discovering a body of avenues as to who they ought to be; quietly people are finally discovering things for themselves; quietly people are no longer giving their precious minds to political charlatans – to political soothsayers; quietly people are letting the political evangelists (the political apostles) promise the land and (its professed ensuing) honey, while they quietly make something worthwhile of their lives – now.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 05:58:09 +0000

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