It’s absurd to brand me tribal for backing Edgar when VJ is - TopicsExpress


It’s absurd to brand me tribal for backing Edgar when VJ is supporting UPND - Rupiah RUPIAH Banda says it’s absurd for people to brand him a tribalist following his decision to support Edgar Lungu’s presidential bid when no one took issue after Vernon Mwaanga announced his support for the UPND. Addressing a rally in Katete on Tuesday, Banda wondered why there was so much apprehension over his support for Lungu, adding that there was nothing tribal about his decision. “Nibaboza okamba kuti (They are liars those who say) I am supporting Lungu because he is from Eastern Province. Vernon Mwaanga is from Southern [Province] and he took his support to HH but no one spoke against that. For me to support Edgar, it’s said to be tribalism,” he said. “Mbuzi ikati ilumeko galu ati nimaloza, koma galu ikaluma mbuzi simaloza (when a goat bites a dog it’s taboo, but when a dog bites a goat, it is not).” Banda said the MMD-PF marriage would go beyond next year’s tripartite election. “Working together is everywhere, even in Europe, these things exist. I want to work with Edgar in developing and fostering peace in Zambia,” he said. “In fact, this MMD-PF marriage, if God blesses, should go beyond 2016 and we shall see who will break it. In 2016, we want again to win as a team of PF and MMD.” Banda begged the people of Eastern Province to vote for the PF because Lungu was a well educated and humble person. “Edgar is a well-educated young man who is a full-fledged lawyer. He is a humble person, unlike some other candidates. That’s why I chose to support and work with him,” said Banda. “Nagwada pansi, tandizani munyamata uyu apite. (I am on my knees, please help us get this man through). My former ministers who have gone out of our way and MPs, we shall come and de-campaign them here.” And Lungu said it was illogical for his opponents to accuse Banda of practicing tribalism. “Vernon Mwaanga has endorsed HH, it’s not tribal. We asked Banda to work with us because he has vast political experience as a former president. None of the other candidates in this race were president before,” Lungu said. “I have been in charge of the defence, police, as Minister of Home Affairs. Now I want the presidency because nikali munyamata wokwana (I am still youthful and energetic). Ask the military, they will tell you,” said Lungu.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:33:54 +0000

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