It’s almost Spring. Here’s an excerpt from my - TopicsExpress


It’s almost Spring. Here’s an excerpt from my book: Reinventing The Wheel, the Universal Wheel, Tool of Global Unity The Position of the East /Springtime The teacher honored at the East is Sun Bear. This position represents the element of air, the season of spring, infancy, and new beginnings. It also represents the power of innocence - the purity and naiveté of innocence. The starting point in our lives and of our lives, the start of each and every endeavor. Nothing can begin without a prayer or offering at the East. We are conceived in innocence. Each day finds us at a start, a state of naiveté. We truly do not know what the day will hold for us. By beginning our day at the East, we can actually program the day we want. A morning prayer can clear the way for our day. Stating our goals or dreams or affirmations at the East can go a long way in securing what we need and want. Spirit will always give us what we need; perhaps not necessarily what we want. Sometimes, what we want is not what we need. Remember the saying, Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it. The birth of a new idea usually begins at the East. A good place for contemplation, planning, organizing, and thinking is in the East. All thoughts become reality, in one way or another. Begin your reality in the East. Be a conscious thinker all the time. Thoughts truly do have wings. Being a conscious human being is the goal of those willing and desiring ascension. A blessing on a new relationship or a new life can also occur in the East. The East is a good place for dreams to develop. Positioning your bed facing the East will ensure positive and informative dreams. If you are planning a trip to the East, an offering or prayer in this position can implore the powers-that-be to protect your journey. Sun Bear is honored at this position for many reasons. Sun Bear, the man, was a true visionary, reintroducing the medicine wheel in the 1970s. He gave it a new beginning. What better place of honor than the East? New beginnings. He was a brave man, not afraid to make waves. Learn the lessons he taught and lived at this position. Sun Bear always encouraged an individual to follow his/her own path, knowing that everyones journey was an individual one. I strongly suggest reading the works this man has left behind when you find yourself at this position on the Universal Wheel™ My book is available on my site at for those on their spiritual Journey Also, this week’s “free” show is with Michael Reccia, author of five wonderful spiritual books and available at Remember my site has no advertising, government or corporate funding. I believe and depend on YOU to know the right thing, want to advance in your journey here and willingly support the show through donations or a subscription of choice. At the end of this journey when we are leaving the planet will you be able to say I did all I knew how to do to advance and help others advance? That’s the true purpose of life, the advancement of the soul. Tune into the wonderful shows with Michael Reccia in my archives to learn more. If you’re tired of living this flat 3 dimensional life come find out how to break out of the “spell” of this matrix and join other people interested in their journey that you can relate to. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Almost Springtime! Meria
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:23:53 +0000

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