It’s been a trying last week and some days for the Gunners, - TopicsExpress


It’s been a trying last week and some days for the Gunners, losing at home to Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League and Chelsea in the COC either side of hustling away with a win from Crystal Palace in the Premier League. Understandably, monsieur Wenger feels little bit let down by the boys; especially the ones who couldn’t resist an error/howler at the back. There’s also the curse of the cold table, with as much as five midfielders unavailable for selection at the moment. Imagine a moment for the boss at the Ems on a non- matchday, minutes before first training of the day, going through the dailies and countless blogs with Steve Bould, trying to sift through a hay of libels, praise, critiques, an ex-player’s opinion, what player Arsenal is watching now… “Okay. Let’s start with the tablet news.” Wenger says to Bould, previously sitting on a couch wearing a 1989 Arsenal shirt on khaki shorts and slippers, with legs crossed on a nearby stool. He stands with the iPad to join Wenger at his table. “Let me just retweet a few more and… ” Bould’s voice trails off as he searches for a few more Gunner appropriate tweets expressing their keen anticipation of Saturday’s match. Wenger sips green tea while waiting. Never been a fan of the tweeting thing Bould always did. “Who tweets during our matches if not you?” asks Wenger when he’s done sipping. “Usually Diaby but recently, it’s been Podolski! And too bad Lukas don’t get too injured more often. Makes a good tweeter that one.” says Bould, who catches a look on Wenger and rephrases. “I mean if Lukas didn’t have to be on the field more often he’d make a good tweeter for the club.” “Whatever! Just pass the tab.” says an exasperated Wenger, who opens the Scouts report first, as always. “Interesting… not one cleansheet since he started this three-man defence thing?” Wenger asks rhethorically. “My boy Giroud will turn up!” he adds while Bould looks on standing beside Wenger, arms locked into each other on his belly. “The Coutinho boy’s back!” Wenger says, burrows appearing on his forehead. “Little bit trouble for us that Coutinho boy eh!” “Oh yes!” Bould responds. Wenger next opens Lawro’s Predictions, exclaiming “One-one?!” upon seeing the pundit’s prediction of the game. “And see this, he thinks ‘both teams would probably take that result now if it was offered to them’. Imagine that Steve!” “Just reckless!” replies Bould. “And what makes him think he can speak for my team?” says Wenger, “Can’t he wait for my prematch conference?” “Impatient lot, these pen pushers!” says Bould, arms still locked in self-embrace. “Ohayō jīsan Boulder!” Park Chu-Young greets as he passes by Wenger’s open door. Wenger points to the door facing Bould, a shocked countenance on him. “Yes, lad’s still around boss.” Bould confirms. And he didn’t greet me? Wonder why he never greets me.” Wenger asks. Bould remains silent. Wenger picks up his matchday jotter and strikes Park’s name off the squad list. “Boss! Reconsider… ” Bould pleads. Wenger gives it a thought and replies, “Maybe I will.” “What else is there?” he asks, picking up the tablet. He skips story on Arshavin blasting Arsenal fans. “He’s in that freezer league, yet Andrei remains worked up. Poor lad!” says Wengers, before also skipping the story on Kolo Toure’s mission to show why letting him leave Arsenal was a mistake. “Happy new month!” greet Podolski, Bendtner, Viviano and Cazorla passing by the office. “Yea… ” both men greet back without looking up. “Oh?” Wenger stops on the transfer gossip. “Who’s Kenneth Ihe… ” but Wenger has trouble pronouncing the name. “I-hear-Nacho” Bould helps to pronounce. “I see. And how old is he?” Wenger asks. “They say he’s 17.” replies Bould, before adding on seeing the doubt on Wenger’s face, “he does look 17. Looks like good potential too.” “Hmm… ” “Morning gaffer. Mr. Bould!” greet Vermaelen, Özil, Mertesacker, Flamini and Arteta passing by the open door. Both men each acknowledge the captain and co with an absentminded wave. “Hi Mr. Wenger!” greets a very cheery Rachel Yankey. Wenger looks up, surprised an Arsenal Lady is at the door. “Birthday… ” whispers Bould. “Birthday girl!” Wenger goes cheery, “We’ll see you later alright?” “Yes gaffer!” Rachel replies before skipping off. “Right. The Ken boy. I’ll think about it.” Wenger finally says, before adding. “I’ll really think about it if they win the Cup and he doesn’t refuse a trial.” “Ah yes. That!” Bould agrees. “They’re ready for you at Colney gaffer!” calls the office clerk. “Everybody’s here?” Wenger asks, checking his wristwatch. “Impressive!” he comments as he stands. “Or is there anything else?” Wenger asks at the door. Bould is lost with what he’s doing on the tablet. “Steve?” calls Wenger. “Nothing boss!” Bould replies, “Just sorting a few tweets.” he says. Wenger steps off to Colney but remains close enough to hear Bould’s triumphant “YES!” moments later. “Candy crush junkhead!” Wenger mutters, walking on to Colney.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:00:03 +0000

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