It’s been some time since my last post, and I can’t say that I - TopicsExpress


It’s been some time since my last post, and I can’t say that I am not disappointed! Disappointed, because only one person chose to respond by way of input in my quest for dialogue. I think many of us are should be mature enough to say at least: “I am not sure/ you are mistaken or I will think on this”. However I may be disappointed but I am not broken! A pleasant day to all and sundry. I have been using the time since my last post to reflect on the issues I raised, and have been looking especially at Mark 2: 27&28, Luke 6:1, Matthew 12 and Genesis Chapter’s 1 and 2. Now the gospels make it clear that the issue in the grain field was not which day was the Sabbath or if it was to be observed, but the issue was one of authority, therefore proof texting to support Sabbath observance does not arise in these passages. Again I say, the gospels make it clear that the issue in the grain field was not which day was the Sabbath or if it was to be observed, but the issue was one of authority: “Jesus how can you allow your disciples to do that which is not lawful on the Sabbath”, and Jesus responds in a way that catches them with their spiritual pants down, displaying their naked and barren ideas and then caps it off by saying I am Lord of the Sabbath! Now what does Jesus means by that? When did He qualify to be Lord of the Sabbath? Is this a fair question? Is this a relevant question? Indeed it is, for the writers of the New Testament make it abundantly clear that Jesus is the Creator of the heavens and the earth! Now when I go Genesis chapter 2, there I see Him creating the Sabbath and resting—no problem with that. So here Jesus states emphatically that if anyone has the authority to declare what is lawful and what is not “IT IS ME, THE ONE WHO MADE IT”, and this is not the first time in Mark’s gospel that Jesus’ divinity comes into focus. Mark sets out from the very beginning to state that Jesus is the son of God (verse 1). Then he in Chapter 1 and verses 2 &3 quotes from two separate passes in the OT (Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3) and I want to make special reference to Malachi where God says “I am sending my messenger ahead of me” and John when he sees Jesus, John says—this is He whose way I am sent to prepare—thus making Jesus SYNONYMOUS with the God of Malachi! Jesus is the God of the OT par excellence! He (Mark) continues to make many astounding references to the divinity of Jesus in his gospel for example: the demons declare Jesus as the Holy One who destroys (1:24), the man with palsy—His sins are forgiven and the scribes not confused by Jesus’ statement say “who can forgive sins but God only?” As a matter of fact Matthew says they left and held a council as to how they might destroy Him. Just for added measure the reason that stuck by trail that resulted in Jesus being crucified was that He claimed to be God—check it out for yourselves! The above statements about Jesus’ authority in the context of Mark 2:27 &28 brings into sharp focus Genesis Chapter’s 1 and 2, for here is seen a principle where from chaos is created order. In essence, the creation/Sabbath emphasis is that of: from chaos to order—as a result it is well to heal, to provide for to help. The Sabbath in this context stands thus as a memorial of God’s ability to care for His creation and He was well pleased with this. Finally a word on Mark 2:27. I think many have tried to put words into Jesus’ mouth. Let me explain—I am not questioning the truthfulness of Jesus’ saying or his exegesis but our interpretation of the passage. Many of us because of our affiliation to certain ideas or proximity to certain kinds of group think have a difficult time letting scripture speak for itself or said another way just hearing God speak! Certain ideas have become precious to us and as a result interfere with good exegesis of a passage. Many say the Sabbath was made for man and then ASSUME it to be a creation institution and thus given to man at creation. Can this be supported by Scripture? I have searched in the Genesis account to see this and I am baffled for I cannot locate it1 I see God resting and a matter of fact the formula reveals that only He who created can rest! There is no account of man being given the Sabbath or resting on the Sabbath. And if man is somehow included here (as many have done) then we must also say all the creation was given the Sabbath if our exegesis is to agree with Mark 2:27! It is a well know axiom that you do not build / establish a doctrine on one text! I await again your honest replys. In Christ: Impartial Thinker
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 13:35:15 +0000

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