It’s fairly easy to be happy when life is treating us well. But - TopicsExpress


It’s fairly easy to be happy when life is treating us well. But what about when the s**t is hitting the fan, we feel like you have no control and nothing is going our way? We can choose to throw our hands in the air, be a victim and forever proclaim the world to be a bad place, out to get people. Or we can choose to ask what lessons is God sending our way. What lessons have we missed in past experiences that God is now slamming us over the head with? What lessons do we need to learn? We can also ask, “What’s great about this?” We can make a focused attempt to see the silver lining. How we think and feel about it all is our choice. What about when things get really bad? Heres a few things we can do; Take responsibility for our life, I find getting down on my knees doesnt hurt. Where we are at this moment is the result of choices weve made in the past. If these things keep happening to us or we keep attracting the same kind of negative people, stop being the kind of person that attracts those kinds of people and circumstances. Find the joy in the journey. What’s great about what’s happening? What is God teaching us? How are we better because of what happened? Smile – even when, or especially when, things aren’t going how we would like. I do this often, its hard to feel bad when your smiling. Decide to be happy no matter what. This doesn’t mean that we should be happy all the time. How boring. We need up’s and down’s to keep life exciting. Without challenges, how would we learn and grow? Without negatives, the positives wouldn’t feel as good. Our attitude toward life has everything to do with our feelings about life. If we have a positive attitude that things will eventually work out for the best and we act on that belief, we can feel good about the situation. We can choose to be happy, regardless of what’s happening around you. Thank you Father that you help me through the many challenges of the day, you always show me a way out. You help me to make the right choices, you help me to attract the right people in my life. You remind me that your love is sufficient enough to keep me smiling in the good and the bad times.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:34:12 +0000

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