It’s funny how I actually did not find this funny. I don’t - TopicsExpress


It’s funny how I actually did not find this funny. I don’t know this couple and wonder whether it was simply a grown woman having a childish temper tantrum or upon closer inspection whether there had been a build up and likely much more to this “tantrum” than first meets the eye. It really made me sad to watch her in such distress while he maintained composure, laughing at her and taking pleasure in her misery. While it may look like she is being obnoxious, another possibility is that he was the one actually being a cruel, passive aggressive abuser. What I gleaned while watching this was: 1) He was controlling her the whole time; 2) It appeared she was promised a relaxing day together; 3) She had an expectation, based on a mutual agreement, that they would spend the whole day at the lake; 4) The plans she had been looking forward to were changed, without her consent; 5) He was the one driving so controlled where they went; 6) He kept egging her on even when she tried to calm herself down by texting on her phone; 7) She was suffering from a “nic fit”; 8) He decided to do a non-recreational task which could have been done any other day; 9) He was the one who knew he was taping her and therefore staged his reaction; 10) He did not care about her feelings; 11) She was suffering from a panic attack (a clinical disorder). If she had broken a leg, would his reaction be appropriate? As an unbiased, empathetic observer, I challenge you to think about how you would feel if your significant other decided, without mutual agreement, to change a plan that meant a lot to you, without taking into consideration your feelings, wishes or input. You might not react the same way; however, I’m sure you would feel upset. This has happened to me and even though this was not how I reacted on the outside, I felt everything she felt on the inside. I felt controlled, discounted and that my wishes absolutely did not matter at all. I certainly did not feel loved, cared about or that my feelings mattered. How many times has an individual been viewed as the “crazy” person, all the while the one fuelling their “craziness” remains calm, distanced and patronizing? Instead of trying to calm her down in a loving manner, he continued to egg her on, disregarding her feelings and what she ultimately wanted. Not just to go to the lake, but for him to follow through on what they had originally agreed to and what she had been looking forward to. Yes, her reaction appeared outrageous, yet his was certainly NOT an appropriate or loving reaction. I wonder how differently she might have reacted should he have soothed her distress with, “Sweetie I know this is not actually about me getting the tires rotated. I know you really needed this break and were really looking forward to spending the whole day with me simply relaxing. I love you and I can tend to my task any other day but today because I know a day of total relaxing with me means so much to you. Now take some deep breaths and remember how much I love you.” Hope this makes you think…
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:41:00 +0000

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