It’s good to see that action is being taken to investigate - TopicsExpress


It’s good to see that action is being taken to investigate Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud for corruption. But what is surprising is, after the investigation is completed, there will be an operations evaluation panel to assess whether the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) showed integrity and impartiality in its investigation. This is virtually saying that the MACC cannot be trusted! How is it that the Government has now decided not to trust the MACC? After having defended it for its integrity and impartiality over the years, especially when the MACC appeared to be more gung-ho about probing corruption among Opposition members, the Government, through this action, is negating all it said before. Why has it changed its tune all because this investigation concerns a certain individual? Is the introduction of the evaluation panel surreptitiously aimed at dragging out the process so that by the time the assessment is completed, it could be years from now? By then, goodness knows what might have happened to Taib? Let’s be frank, he is getting on in years, and he probably won’t stay a long time more as chief minister. What’s more, once the investigation is completed and the finding proves corruption on Taib’s part, that does not straight away translate into prosecution. It would still be up to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to decide whether or not to proceed. At this stage, if the A-G harkens to the instructions of the prime minister, no action may be taken if the latter says no. Is this entire process, therefore, an indirect way to protect Taib?
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 05:01:55 +0000

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