It’s good to see the Libertarian Party rise up and denounce - TopicsExpress


It’s good to see the Libertarian Party rise up and denounce Paul as a result of these views and finally take measures to distance itself from the purposeful infection by the racist right. At the end of the day the Rand Paul candidacy shows that the Tea Party movement is really the mainstreaming of the racist arm of the Republican Party, an evolution popularized and somewhat sanitized by Pat Buchanan, who coincidentally, is one of Rand Paul’s biggest cheerleaders. And if Paul wins in November then the GOP will have to answer the question it has been dodging for the first part of the Obama presidency–just how entrenched is the GOP establishment with the racist wing of its party? Read more: care2/causes/the-rise-of-rand-paul-and-the-mainstreaming-of-the-racist-right.html#ixzz2XQ2WSPML
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:28:24 +0000

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