It’s hard to think about adding another thing to your schedule - TopicsExpress


It’s hard to think about adding another thing to your schedule when you have a new-born but, at a time when you have never been more exhausted, a little endorphin rush can really help your flagging energy levels. A study from the University of Melbourne has shown that participating in an exercise program in the first three months after giving birth can halve a mother’s risk of depression, as well as increasing her sense of wellbeing. Once you have had clearance from your doctor that it is safe to do so, incorporating exercise into your routine is an excellent way to help maintain your mental health at a time when you are vulnerable to the risk of post natal depression. Women often feel negative about their bodies after pregnancy, don’t get enough sleep and feel a lot more stressed. They may not be getting out of the house in the fresh air or getting together with other women who are going through the same things. Exercise can help with all of this as it has a beneficial effect to all cells in the body. Exercise promotes the release of factors called endorphins and creates a sense of well-being. Janine Monk from Positively Fit is a Mobile Personal Trainer in the area and has seen the huge beneficial effects of exercise on women who after having children, “lose themselves” and are more prone to depression. “The services I offer are one on one or group training either at your home or at a park. The benefit of this is that you don’t need babysitters, you can bring your children to the park. I also run a circuit class at the Pirongia School Hall every Thursday night from 7.30-8.30pm. When the weather starts to get better, I will be starting a lot of different classes in the outdoors for mums where they can bring their children along. The great thing about group training is that provides camaraderie, motivation, support and fun”.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:15:26 +0000

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