It’s impossible to Christanise or Islamise Nigeria – - TopicsExpress


It’s impossible to Christanise or Islamise Nigeria – Uche Prelate of the Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Most Rev. Dr. Chukwuemeka Uche, recently took our Senior Correspondent, ARAMIDE OIKELOME on a ride on his way to the Murtala Mihammed Airport, Laagos, to catch a flight to attend one of his Episcopal assignments. It was indeed an insightful experience as he responded to questions on crucial issues of national interest. Excerpts: Uche In the last one week, we have had four major insurgent attacks where over 100 people were killed. What do you think is actually the problem? Why this increasing rate of attacks despite all efforts to curb insurgency? People are unhappy with themselves. I’m sorry to say this: There is every reason to believe that Islamic religion is a religion of violence, because, the perpetrators of this violence are members of the Islamic sect. It also means that the leadership of Muslims in Nigeria is weak, because, they can’t control their members. They do not have monopoly of violence. We have boys in our churches that can also stir the boat or those who intend to cause problem for this country, but we continue to preach and teach and hold them in check. In fact, on many occasions, they had wanted to resort to killing and destruction. We said “No!” I know many Christian youths that have come to me and I said ‘No, don’t kill!” They queried, “Even when they are killing our people?” and I insisted and I said “No!” I told them that Jesus said we should turn the other cheek when we are smitten. We owe it a duty to protect our country. We should not destroy Nigeria if truly we love it. Those who are killing don’t love Nigeria. I place the problem squarely on: the teachings of the Mallams and Imams and the weakness on the part of Islamic leaders. No matter what they are called, they are very weak – they can’t control their followers. So, these are the two things I attribute to the violence. And let me tell you, it will be foolishness of anybody to think that Nigerian will be Christianised or Islamised. It is not possible and it will never be possible. We own this country together and we should know how to live together in harmony and tolerate one another. That is what I think we should do. To think that if a Muslim does not lead, Nigeria will be destroyed or to think that we must promote Sharia system is a nullity. It is null and void and of no effect. Few days ago, we heard that the Muslim leaders met and dissociated themselves from the Boko Haram group, saying members of the sect are not true Muslim because what they are doing is against the tenets of Islam. How would you react to this? I lived in Kano for 10 good years. The reason why they are now castigating the Boko Haram sect is because it is now affecting them somehow. If the sect were killing the Christians only, they would be happy. I know them because I have lived in the North for many years. The only reason why they are now regretting is that the dog they bought as a pet to them and enemy to others is now destroying them. That is why they are crying. Otherwise, the average Muslim, especially in the North, doesn’t want Christianity to exist. I must commend those of the Western extraction – the Yoruba. Yoruba Muslims are enlightened, matured, and tolerant. I have not seen them engage in violence. They know how to relate. But, those of the North, especially, North East and North West, they are another thing. However, it is mere deceit to think that they can ever take over Nigeria. They will never. I want to say that he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones because if you throw stones and I throw it back, there will be problem. So, if they want Nigeria to be destroyed, we say “No! Nigeria should remain united; Nigeria should remain a country where everybody feels free and have a sense of belonging. I don’t believe in a Nigeria where there will be monopoly; where Christians or Moslems or Animist will monopolise everything. Everybody should relate and have freedom. I came back from Turkey just recently. In Turkey, there is nothing like discrimination, even though they are predominantly Muslims. In Turkey, you have just about five per cent Christians, but there is no problem. Look at how they are prospering; look at their aircraft and compare with what we are using now, which they use to travel to Israel. If you go there, they are beautifying their nation; they don’t have oil but here, we are destroying ourselves. Maybe Nigeria is under a curse, I don’t know but we should pray God to forgive us. So, I want to address Islamic leaders to please rise to the occasion. If they want this thing to be halted, it will be halted. Otherwise, they don’t mean any good; they should not be given any responsible position in this country, especially if they cannot manage their young people. And of course, it is the neglect of the past that we are reaping. The northerners have been in the saddle of leadership for more than 40 years of independence. They didn’t take any reasonable, positive step to develop the north; rather, their young people were impoverished. They promoted almajiri system. It is President Jonathan that has come to give education to almajiri as well as the nomads. But, when the Northern leaders were there, they were busy amassing wealth to themselves and allowing young people to roam about the street. So, I still say that the Muslim leaders have never been fair to themselves and to their subjects. So, that is the problem we are suffering in Nigeria. What’s your take on the call for extension of emergency rule in the three North East States namely, Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, where terrorism is still raging? I don’t even believe in emergency rule. What I believe is there should be total state of emergency. If I were Jonathan, I would appoint military leaders for those areas or Police officers to manage the area. Also, there will be no election in those areas until they come to their senses. Nigeria cannot be halted because of North East. If they want to belong they should belong and if otherwise, they should join Chad and Niger and live there. That is my feeling. We want them and if they don’t want, let them leave in peace and allow this country to survive. The approach of President Jonathan is very soft. I love him; but, his approach is very, very soft. If I were him, I would not be as soft as this. Do you think Jonathan’s style is strong enough to combat this crisis? Jonathan is a Christian; it is not good to shed blood. Some of us have a way of advising the government. For instance, the issue of Chibok girls; people are angry that government has allowed them to remain in Sambisa Forest as captives. Let me tell you, if we apply the Biafra method, we would wipe off everybody in that forest; there would be no animal or human being that will exist in that place. But, because of those girls, we are compelled to hold back the sword. This is because we value their lives. Boko Haram sect should not think that they are strong by keeping them as bait. May I also say here that political parties should be very, very careful that they are not backing these boys because there are political parties in Nigeria that will always bark when something negative is said against Boko Haram. Those political parties should be very, very careful. I don’t want to mention names, but they should be very, very careful that they are not using insurgency to hold Nigeria to ransom. Do you think the Nigerian military is strong enough to combat this fight? I believe the Nigerian military has good antecedents. Do you know their role in Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone and most of the countries that had problems before? Our military is capable and government is trying to equip them now; they need equipment. Once they are well equipped and their welfare is well taken care of, we would have one of the best military groups in Africa. Nigeria military is a military of mostly intelligential, military of well-trained officers, well-trained engineers. So, they are capable of handling insurgency if they are equipped. And like the Chief of Defence Staff said just few days ago, we believe that something positive is going to happen. There is this new wave of terrorism in Nigeria where we see teenage girls coming out as suicide bombers. Nigerians are concerned that Boko Haram may be using the abducted Chibok girls for these heinous attacks. How do you see this new trend? Yes! The sect may be using those girls. I believe they want to destroy those girls in Chibok. That is my feeling; it may be wrong. They don’t want them to come back again; they are using them to kill themselves and other people. I don’t think there are other girls they are using as suicide bombers other than those girls. I believe they are drugged. There is a way you can hypnotise and mesmerise somebody and that person will be toy in your hand – so you can turn the person the way you like. Is there any hope of having them back? With God, all things are possible. I heard that one of them was found somewhere around Mubi, pregnant; but she couldn’t understand anything again. She has lost her senses. That was what we heard and they said that the military took her to the appropriate quarters for rehabilitation. That was what we heard. So, nothing is impossible with God. And we heard also that, I don’t know if true or not, some of the girls were able to escape. What I want to say about the Chibok girls is that, with God, all things are possible and we should keep praying. We are gradually getting close to 2015 elections and already, there is a lot of agitation in the air. One of it is Muslim/Muslim ticket. What do you think about this? If you shoot yourself in the foot, would you blame somebody? Any party that brings Christian/Christian ticket or Muslim/Muslim ticket will reap what it sows. That is all. I don’t want to make more comment on that. What do you make of the current political crisis at the House of Representatives? I hate this idea of cross carpeting from one party to another. Even at the nick of time when election is coming up, you cross from one party to another; I don’t think it is ideal. So, if you are elected and you are occupying a position because you are a member of the majority or a party that is in the majority and you don’t want to belong to that majority group anymore, then relinquish your position and resign and then go and face politics. Already, you have cross-carpeted, and you still want to remain in that post, it’s not good, it’s absurd. Personally, that is what I think. You know I don’t hate anybody, I don’t prefer anybody to the other, what I am just advocating is justice and fair play; that is what I am emphasising. Sir, what would you make of the political development in Ekiti State? What I would say about it is that if anybody disagrees with the outcome of that election, he should have gone to court and patiently wait for a court of competent jurisdiction to pronounce judgment and not take the laws into our hands. This applies to both the ruling party and those that lost election; the most civilised way to handle disagreement is to go to court. File your case, argue your case and then allow the judge in the court to make pronouncement. But, they are very impatient. Why are they struggling over the common wealth; the welfare of our people? Did God tell them that only politicians or privileged groups should amass wealth in this country? I am sorry to say this; but, the truth is that about 10 per cent of Nigerian politicians go to office to serve, while 90 per cent go there to loot our treasury. That is the problem. Only 10 per cent mean well and really want to serve the people of this country, and we know them. So, those who are out to loot are the dangerous people that are causing the problem we are having in this country. I am saying that they need to repent and do what is right. In my area, only very few are qualified to go into politics. Most people going into politics are dropouts, nonentities, people we know as touts. These are not the people that should go into politics. Very reasonable people go into politics. When such reasonable people are there, they are polished. Look at somebody like Ken Nnamani; he is a complete, polished gentleman. He refused to be bought over when he should have made millions of naira. He refused to be bought over, preferring the welfare of the country to money. He said there would not be tenure elongation. So, people like Ken Nnamani, the former Senate President, should be emulated in politics. Those are the people we should cite as example; at least I know him and a few others. So, what would you want to tell Nigerians as we prepare to go to the polls? Nigerians should look out for credible candidates and vote for them; not based on political inclination, but people who can deliver. Two, nobody should sell his vote. That is your bullet; that is your power, which you can use to change any government or unseat any government. Three, we should not play the role of Esau. We shouldn’t emphasise so much on stomach infrastructure. It is so gluttonous or greedy. We should look for credible people; the best people who can deliver. What is your advice to the President? He should remain focused. He should not allow himself to be distracted; he should be courageous. He should enforce justice and ensure there is equity. He must ensure there is adequate security in the country, that voters are protected and have the freedom to exercise their franchise. He should be firm, because, he is above political party now. The president is the symbol of Nigeria’s unity, whether people like it or not, and he should not allow anybody to mess up that mandate God has given him. That is what I will advise Mr. President. Do you subscribe to his running for second time? Why not? He is a Nigerian; he has the right to run for second time. His real mandate came up four years ago. So, he should contest for a second term in office. They should allow Nigerians to determine whether he is going to rule us or not; nobody should hinder him. But many people argue that he has not performed creditably well… (Cuts in) Well, that is what they are saying. Are they going to talk to us about the railway, roads, beautification of the airports, availability of food in the country? What are they talking about? Let us play the politics of ideology like developed countries. You see Germany, United States, and Britain as they play mature politics. How long shall we remain infants in politics? They should allow him; let him come in. If INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) and the court say he is qualified to contest, let us allow him to contest; he can win or lose. The argument is hinged on the fact that this administration has promoted corruption more than any other… (Cuts in) I don’t think so. I’m not a foreigner. There was corruption during Abacha’s regime; in fact, that was the peak of it. There was corruption during Babangida’s administration. There was corruption during Obasanjo’s administration. There has been corruption. I don’t think that this is the worst government that promoted corruption. Corruption has existed, and they are learning new tricks every day. I don’t think corruption started with Jonathan’s administration; it has become the culture of many Nigerians. Is there a way out of it? I will advocate through my preaching that people should shun corruption. If anybody has not stopped being corrupt, let him be arrested. Let him be dealt with. If we set example with one person, others will be afraid. But, here there is what is called ‘Plea bargaining’. Somebody has stolen money; tomorrow he is contesting. Those who took our money to Switzerland and other places are contesting. The Halliburton case has been buried; nobody is emphasising it again. People are coming up to vie for one position or the other. There was a case of somebody who killed many people in a bomb blast in Abuja recently. We are hearing that the court said he should be set free for want of evidence. We don’t know where we are going. God will save Nigeria.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:02:16 +0000

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