It’s like a violent current, running under the water, churning - TopicsExpress


It’s like a violent current, running under the water, churning the seas before a tidal wave prepares to crash upon the shore. You can see the words all over Facebook and Twitter. Words being spoken, not quite like a prayer, but a declaration; a command to all the elements in the universe to bend to the will of God that is the force behind it; a demand being placed on the anointing of God and the angelic host to move elements and remove obstacles that would detract or delay the inevitable. All of Lighthouse has been speaking over themselves in faith, in excitement, in determination, in expectation... MY STORY WILL END IN A MIRACLE!!! EVER SINCE 9/7...Pastor Dan has been under a mantle, placed on him by the anointing of the Holy Ghost to cause our faith to RISE UP. This weekend, the Lighthouse Church of All Nations family had imparted to them a confession designed to take them to the next level of faith. MY STORY WILL END IN A MIRACLE!!! Pastor Dan delivered a short and simple message (with all the usual Lighthouse flair), as he directed our attention to Matthew 14: 22-33. Many of us have heard messages based on this passage before (that’s the thing about the LIVING WORD of will receive a revelation that is directly related to where God is taking you, from the same word that got you where you are right now). We find Jesus dispatching the crowds and His disciples to be alone with God. He sends the disciples off in a boat saying He’ll catch up with them later. Nobody asked Him HOW He planned on catching up with them...they just took Him at His word. But, when Jesus shows up WALKING ON THE WATER in the middle of a storm, everybody thinks it’s a ghost. At the declaration that it’s Him, Peter says to Jesus, “If it’s really You, tell me to come to you.” Thats when Peter takes a turn at walking on water himself! MEANWHILE, back in the ‘house’...We all had the privilege of watching our very own Pastor Dan give walking on water a shot. Let’s just say, you had to be there...with a MOP. LOL!!! Let’s take a look at the circumstances of this miracle Peter experienced. They were out on the choppy, tumultuous waters of the Galilee, in the middle of a storm, without Jesus on board. Basically, the guys were in a mess. “God has designed everything in your life to bring you to Him. Imperfection and imperfect circumstances create an environment for a MIRACLE.”~ Pastor Dan NOTICE what the Bible DOESN’T say about Peter’s experience. It doesn’t say that anyone got out of the boat with him. Nor does it say that anyone encouraged him to do what he did. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t address anyone else BUT Peter in this specific passage. Which brings us to the only TWO POINTS Pastor addressed: Your miracle does not need the affirmation of people around you! Quit waiting on people to get out of the boat with you. If you know you heard the Lord bidding you to come, GO. You will miss your miracle waiting on the approval of others for what God has already told you to do. Your choice determines the ending of your story. Just like in an interactive play or video game, you get to click on the ending you desire. No one can determine whether or not you will heed the voice of the Lord to walk on the water or stay frozen with fear in the boat. If you CHOOSE to listen to Jesus and GET OUT OF THE BOAT, you can say with all confidence, “My story WILL end in a MIRACLE!” It’s all on us, Lighthouse Family… Say it with me one more time...MY STORY WILL END IN A MIRACLE!!! Be blessed this week!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:00:53 +0000

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