It’s not all about weight loss – reports streaming in for - TopicsExpress


It’s not all about weight loss – reports streaming in for health gained and other non scale THM victories too – pounds lost are nice of course! #trimhealthymama “My liver levels are near the normal range (+3) first time in 12 years. Ill take it!” - Barbara C I am a diabetic and have thrown away my blood pressure meds and cut my insulin in HALF! My doc. says that I should be off of insulin completely in a couple of months if I keep this up! I thank God for THM, it has given me my life back!!!!” Debra S “Down 2 pant sizes and carpal tunnel pain free in wrist!”- Laura S “Ive been on THM since June of last year! Im excited to report, that my BMI no longer says obese, my blood pressure has never been better, Im no longer a size 24, and Im training for a 5K! My total weight loss is almost 80 lbs!” – Elonda D. “Total of 21 lbs since January 27th. Im starting to notice a change in the way my clothes fit. I love that I dont feel hungry all the time. My hypoglycemia seems to have improved.” - Sharri D. “Just shy of a year mostly on plan. I currently weigh ten pounds more than when I started, but given I am 35 weeks pregnant with my 7th child, thats just fine. 30 lbs gained so far and my norm is 50. Best non scale victory is realizing, even at this point in pregnancy I have non-maternity pajamas that fit now and I normally cant wear them until months after a baby is born. This pregnancy really is mostly baby. Rings still slip on my fingers, shoes are big, very little swelling in my feet, heartburn is easily manageable. Woohoo!!” – Sara D. “I am NO LONGER OVERWEIGHT as of this morning! It took three different times stepping on the scale for me to believe. It had been 25 years since I could say this. One year ago, I weighed 85 lbs more than I do now. Very happy!” – Toni P “Had my beautiful baby boy 3 weeks ago. My milk supply is great which I struggled with after my last pregnancy and less than 2 weeks postpartum I was back at my pre pregnancy weight!” – Christina W “My road is still very long but its a joyful road now instead of a gloomy one! I can sit in a booth at restaurants now and still breathe.” – Debbie H “I love that I can eat food.. no points, counting etc… food freedom for the first time since I can remember. DH and I are healthy!! PS, he is down 32 pounds.. together we have lost a small child!! BEST part.. 3 people at our church are now getting on program.. We have influenced others for their good.” Jan N “I started THM Sept 2013 at size 14. I am 54 years old, and 54. This week I fit into size 8! And they are not tight! I never imagined I would be this small again...I have not been size 8 since I was in high school..” – Colleen D
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:43:58 +0000

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