It’s not common knowledge but our unborn son was diagnosed as - TopicsExpress


It’s not common knowledge but our unborn son was diagnosed as having a Muscular Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) after having an anomaly identified on the routine 20 week scan. We we’re referred to St. Michael’s Hospital, Bristol to the Fetal Cardiology Unit who carried out an initial scan at 20 weeks and then a further scan at 27 weeks which confirmed the diagnosis. We’re lucky, Baby Boy has a small VSD. The hope is that either at birth or shortly after, the hole will close naturally and not cause him any lasting issues. However for his birth he’ll making his debut on the labour ward, just in case he needs any special care. He’ll have checks at 6 hours and 24 hours old to see if the hole has closed, and at a week old, an echocardiogram. If the hole does not close he could have issues feeding, becoming tired during feeding and putting on weight, he may also turn a little blue/grey. We obviously hope that none of this happens but we know that St. Michael’s and Musgrove Hospital will be there to support us along the way. To that end, John has decided to support the Fetal Cardiac Unit by running the Bristol ½ Marathon on 21st September 2014 for the Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Appeal. He hopes to raise funds for other babies who may not have as optimistic outcome as ours and to give back to the departments that have already supported us. We hope that you will sponsor John to complete the race for this worthy cause which is obviously close to our hearts. To make a donation online go to justgiving/John-McNally-Roberts
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:52:33 +0000

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