It’s rant time again: There is lunacy, and then there is - TopicsExpress


It’s rant time again: There is lunacy, and then there is LUNACY! Well, let’s see. Here are some areas that I’ve seen quite a bit of over the years: “Wall Street” and Regulators I have seen lots of “Wall Street” rip-offs and other insanities during 18+ years of observing and trading econo-lunacies most business days, sometimes even second by second. Of course, many of them really may have taken place thousands of miles away from Wall Street. Today, that street has spread all over the world. I have recovered money or shares from specific trading BS probably over 1000 times --- the vast majority of the time without any help from regulators. I was a great non-activist for many years, but as I began to uncover the lunacies, I started (and learned how) to badger brokers and others over and over and over. I even read the appropriate parts of the “Constitution Rules” for various markets to learn what the rules were “supposed” to be. Wow, they were exciting books! :) As far as I know, no one taught any courses in these kinds of things. Even if they did, I doubt that they knew about some of the madness, regardless if it was illegal, technical, or whatever. I just plodded along, mostly by myself. Anyway, I might even have the Guinness World Record on the customer non-class action side, except for the minor detail that they don’t keep track of the contenders. I have spoken with, Emailed, and sent letters to many regulators about many general and specific problems. Like many others, I have learned that little or nothing happens most of the time, even if the total value over the years for a specific type of insanity is billions of dollars. Naturally! By the way, even folks who sent tips regarding Bernard Madoff’s $65 BILLION Ponzi scheme that reportedly lasted over 35 YEARS got nowhere! Naturally! Of course, a novice regulator without any tips at all should be able to uncover this type of fraud routinely in a FEW HOURS OF WORK OR LESS. Naturally! After Madoff turned himself in because he ran out of suckers, the SEC explained why they are idiots, gave some big shots the heave-ho, and figured that maybe they should pay a little more attention to such “phenomena” despite the fact that they had been popping up for at least 80 YEARS! By the way, some of the “Wall Street” lunacies are CAUSED BY REGULATORS, and some may have little or nothing to do with illegalities. Oh yeah, once again, naturally! ------------------------------ Customers OK, I had better cut this down a lot some before everyone falls asleep, or just throws it in the bit bucket. I’ve seen loads of the customer tricks and scams, big and small, in numerous sectors. During the gigantic housing and other bubbles, some of the REALLY, REALLY BIG ones involved all kinds of crap, and then the customers cried oceans of tears regarding how they were taken. Sure, many were, but many others knew what was happening. Of course, many of the worst culprits then got help from their corrupt Government saviors! ------------------------------- Media Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at that. I beat Letterman! -------------------------------- The Republicans Yeah, they pull lots of crap. That’s what politicians are supposed to do. Well, isn’t it? Sometimes they say crazy stuff, but that’s all “normal” – especially in politics and Government. I’m not too enthralled with a lot of their leaders, but once again, that’s all “normal” in Government. -------------------------------- The Democrats Uh oh. No way to cut a lot of this stuff without losing the “full flavor”. (Note: I put the period where it should be to P.O. Word and lingo experts.) I’ve seen lots of insanities of all kinds, and except for a bunch of SEC, other regulatory, broker, etc. interactions, I seldom said much until the world went even more berserk than usual in 2008. Of course, some of the “groundwork” for the meltdown was many years and even decades in the making, and numerous people were involved. I tried to help some friends and associates who understandably were panicky about their general finances, future, retirement accounts, etc. navigate the mess. Believe it or not, I said that late 2008 and early 2009 might be “The Buying Opportunity of a Lifetime” for stocks and certain other investments. Also, that the day was coming again for home buying and other real estate. Of course, many others said similar things, but we were “obviously” crazy. Even that Great Democrat and Obama Buddy, Warren Buffett, said some such things, but of course, he wasn’t crazy. (I might as well pound on a supposed “non-politician” Dem for practice before moving on to bigger game.) Unfortunately, many stockholders in his company, Berkshire Hathaway, have gotten obliterated anyway since 2008 relative to the S&P 500 Index --- although they are up overall due to the huge, dangerous Fed fun and games, Obama arch-enemy Big Oil’s skyrocketing production, etc. However, even Buffett has some zigs relatively upward here and there, and has been so-so recently. Whoopee-doo! Of course, over some periods that I found he is DOWN as much as 50-60%, and occasionally even more, to the S&P 500. They do vary widely, and for some, the shareholders may be up a bit. Warren was great, but maybe he’s gotten some severe indigestion due to all those Kool-Aid overdoses. There’s lots more too, especially regarding the Obama and Buffett lies and distortions concerning The Buffett Rule/Tax that even the IRS refutes. Of course, it is taboo to ever mention any of that on any “unbiased” sites with trick con artist words such as “liberal”, “progress”, “forward”, etc. in their names or logos. I’ve watched megatons of the Democrats’ bullshit live via CNBC, C-SPAN, etc. In addition, I’ve seen huge numbers of videos, read all or part of a cornycopia of economic and financial reports, “peer reviewed” papers, media drivel, etc., etc., etc. None of the preceding entities, or any others that I can think of, are anywhere near as incompetent, corrupt, destructive, etc. as The Democratic Party is in the long run. It even crushes millions of its own voters, although after overdosing on Democratic propaganda for eons, huge numbers have little or no idea what is happening. As examples, they even think that the Democrats’ world record $102+ TRILLION Ponzi schemes, Social Security and Medicare, are wonderful. That total is after all their credits, temporary surpluses, and standard barrage of Democrat lies and deceptions are taken into account. Little do the Democrat peons know that the programs were designed absurdly, operated ridiculously, and are now in the crapper for more than THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE UNITED STATES!!! That is according to the Treasury, Federal Reserve, Government actuaries/trustees, etc. data and reports that are summarized on websites such as Many private and Government estimates vary because they are based on numerous future estimates, but just about all of the results are super humongously negative. In addition, Government’s future estimates over the years often have been far too rosy. Well, I’m sure that’s a big surprise to many readers! If the totals could be calculated precisely, maybe they would be better or worse than the $102+ TRILLION. I’d bet on the OVER. Hey, but what’s 10, 20, 30 or more TRILLION here of there to the Government and Democrats? They don’t give a damn how big the numbers are. Only “tweaks” are need to fix the programs, or they just will use their Kool-Aid shields to ignore them. TO MINUS INFINITY AND BEYOND! In REALITY, the Social Security and Medicare buildings should be OCCUPIED, and quickly! To make matters even worse, now the U.S. is stuck with Barack Obama, one of the most incompetent major Democrat con artists ever. Well, at least he’s great for some other countries, especially in Asia. After 5+ years of their insane love affair, even some leftwing media outfits are starting to blast him, say he has little or no credibility, etc. Of course, they may be just like battered wives, and run right back to the great abuser after a while. I certainly hope not, but who knows? Unfortunately, Obama has the Fed’s enormous (but dangerous) manipulations, arch-enemy’s BIG OIL skyrocketing production (U.S. = World #1 by 2020), etc. to mask his lunacies. Obama is one of the greatest examples of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds”, first published way back in 1841! Such masking effects (either way) have occurred for eons, and also are common in many areas besides politics, such as for CEO’s and other managers, etc. BUT --- PEOPLE NEVER LEARN! The book’s basic ideas regarding economics, politicians, Kool-Aid, etc. are still super, super true. I barely have scratched the surface of the Democrats’ incompetence, corruption, lies, bias, destruction, etc. that have gone on for eons. AND as previously stated, it is particularly ROFLMAO hilarious how they screw their own voters despite the Democrats’ standard “seize and redistribute” programs. Sure, there are loads of other scum bags, big and small, but I in general, THEY DON’T COME CLOSE TO THE DEMOCRATS’ UBER-SCUMBAGS! Congratulations on being the U.S. Champions! ----------------------------------- Finally, for the conclusion that you thought would never come, if the patient is having a heart attack, but also has a broken leg and pulled biceps muscle, it is a lot more important to treat the heart attack stat! If the heart attack isn’t fatal, I’ll try to treat some of the other problems later. Any questions, comments, etc.? :) Al, The Plumber of the Depths of Lunacy!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:12:40 +0000

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