It’s taken me a while to get the courage and share this as its - TopicsExpress


It’s taken me a while to get the courage and share this as its extremely personal and private and only one person knows, and that’s my beautiful partner Ben. So…..This is my journey, it isn’t pretty but this is where I started - 67kg and extremely unfit unhealthy and unhappy. I was injured, tore my labral in my right hip, I couldnt run, I couldnt sprint, I couldnt walk- I lost myself and my whole idea of exercise. I put on nearly 12kg of body fat and I was miserable. I didn’t want to leave the house, making excuses when social events would pop up, never wanting to show my face in public. I was on self-destruct mode turning to the bottle for self-gratification. I would turn my back to the thing I saw in the mirror- I HATED myself! So the man that stands beside me gave me a plan to follow both with eating and training to try and pull me out of the rut I was in- as far as the training side It was mostly weight baring- Which scared the crap out of me cause I knew I was going to bulk up, put on size and not lose any body fat- and in the 2 wks I did- I just looked fat, chunky and most of all I was tired and sore… On the food side of things I felt stuffed all the time, forcing myself to eat and nearly vomiting it up on many occasions. I was thinking to myself, WHAT THE F*CK am I doing!? Then after about 5 weeks I started seeing results… My work pants were getting loose… I was getting stronger… I had energy… My body was starting to change shape… I was motivated… I started to smile again and have confidence to wear a singlet top! I was starting to enjoy the food I was eating not craving for that Macca’s hit when I would drive past. And this is the best part- I have actually strengthened the muscles around my injury from weight training- so much so I don’t need to proceed with the op! I can walk without limping and I’m not in any pain… So what I have learnt- you don’t need to smash yourself with endless amount of time spent on the cardio equipment to keep lean… you need to pick up a weight and push, push hard… But most importantly you need to be patient!! Rome wasn’t built in a day- and neither was your physique… Eat clean most of the time and enjoy a treat here and there! And don’t put yourself down if you fall off that wagon- pick yourself up and throw yourself back up there… That’s what I did! I have dropped 3 dress sizes yet still keeping my curves… I look in the mirror sometimes I see a gorgeous girl and other times I see ugly …. NOW see I and it’s me and its beauty!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 12:13:36 +0000

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