It’s time to fire God. It’s no wonder Atheists are one of - TopicsExpress


It’s time to fire God. It’s no wonder Atheists are one of the fastest growing groups in the world. God; He or She or Allāh or the higher power or whoever is your God has it really screwed up. It’s time for action. Its time for the HR department of the Heavens to come in, deliver the bad news and hand out a severance that it going to be incredible given the number of years God has been around, but get rid of this employee of the ages. This C.E.O., we call God. Think about it? Take God and religious dogma out of the Middle East and whats left? Well, just a bunch of people living in the middle east, peacefully. The only conflict would be who makes the best hummus and pita. Add God or as we know God in Arabic-Allāh and the crap hits the fan. I bet you God, or Allāh or whatever you call your person doesnt like it when kids are blown to bits or in others parts of the world sodomized by Priests or when jets with innocent people are flown into buildings like 9-11 or so called honor killings in India where cows are sacred, but women or not or suicide bombings or arranged marriages to minors or fatwas or ethnic cleansing or churches in the south where everyone is so friendly on Sunday, but love to reminisce about the years when white folks were addressed as Sir and Ma’am and others knew their place and even bad church bake sales. It’s getting worse by the day for God’s sake! Religion and God. It’s so comforting, isnt it? Sorry God, here is your pink slip. You’re fired! And finally, everyone lived happily ever after.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:45:54 +0000

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