It’s with a heavy heart we must announce that Steve and Matt - TopicsExpress


It’s with a heavy heart we must announce that Steve and Matt have decided to end their time with Sienna Skies to pursue other opportunities outside of music. Both Steve and Matt have been a big part of our band since day one. From the days of DIY touring off our first EP “Where Joy Exists, Despair Beckons” to 3 albums later touring on the other side of the world with some of our biggest influences. They are both our best friends, our brothers and the things we have seen and done off the back of our music with them to this point has been nothing short of mind blowing and we could not have done it without them and their valued contribution to the band. You would need to have lived in a van, travelled non stop and pretty much be constantly attached at the hip with a group of people to understand the bond that is formed between band members and we wish them both the very best of luck and will support them in what lies ahead for them in their future endeavours. The following is a message from Steve and Matt: “First of all, We would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported the band over the years. To anyone who came out to a show or put up with us crashing at their house, we can’t thank you enough. This band has been our lives for a very long time, however it is time for us to move on and explore other exciting new opportunities which unfortunetly does not allow us to put in the time and commitment a touring band requires. We accomplished so much at our time in the band are extremely stoked we got to do so much. From shows at Hype Central and PCYC’s to playing shows and festivals on the other side of the world, this whole experience has been mind blowing. Thanks again to every person we have met and especially to all our friends across the country and around the world along the way. We cannot express the appreciation we have for all the genuine people we have met and become close friends with over the years. That’s it from us, Please continue to support our brothers continuing to raise the Sienna Skies flag in their future endeavours and we hope to see as many of you guys as possible at our last show. Steve and Matt’s last show will be at Fight To Survive Festival in Sydney on Saturday, October 18 at UTS Underground. Everyone who can make it down to help give the boys the send off they deserve would be fantastic! Moving forward, We understand this may come as a shock and upsetting. Believe us, this is certainly not easy for the 6 of us involved. We would just like to say a huge thank you to the loyal fans out there sticking by us during such a tough time. Everything we have ever done and the opportunities we have been gifted with to this point is off the back of the ongoing love and support you guys have shown us and we truly value every single piece of it and every single one of you. We see this as an exciting new chapter for our band and we would love to have you all behind us and on board wherever it is the future takes us. This band has been our lives for many years, it is our passion and everything we have put our blood, sweat and tears into and the future of Sienna Skies pushing forward becoming stronger than ever is our number one priority. We promise to continue to deliver the best music and live performance we can. We do have a new vocalist and have a number of dates to be announced to finish out the rest of the year and big plans for 2015. All in which will be released very soon. Thank you all for understanding and for your support to everyone involved. Nick, Josh, Mic, Damo, Steve, Matt
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:43:52 +0000

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