Iv been trying for years with the state Government :To change the - TopicsExpress


Iv been trying for years with the state Government :To change the Law out here in the SA Mallee to control cat and dog owners Iv been getting so many feral cats out here and the bird population has been dropping fast, I specialize on Mallee Fowl out here and have a few around here and im working my but off to keep the feral numbers down at my cost but its so hard doing it alone. 3 years ago I killed about 90 foxs, the following year dropped to 34, this years in the last 15 days 10 so far and still going. It looks as the job on foxs is much much easier then feral cats. Soon Im going to force my self and make a big noise about these cats and so on. Some people move out here and know nothing about the wild life, Governments have no rules set for new land owners and they should.. Our native vegetation is on the bring of been taken over from feral people and animals. I have 4 neighbors out here about 3 ks away with cats and dogs running around free and kittens at my place killing birds and lizards, they all have about 75 acres of native veg. joined together,this lady breeds little dogs(Jack Russels) often i see about 3/5 dogs running around free in the wild, I keep on telling her off and she tells me i know nothing about dogs, yet i see her dogs come all the way here at my place scaring the mallee fowl and other birds and im sure they do a kill where i cant see, theres 5k acres out here so they could be anywhere. All my hard work for the last 22+years will go a waste if these officials sit in their offices doing nothing, Jay WeatherillI wake up! 16 years and no response tells me lots about Labor. Iv gone to the Murray Bridge council and the rest of the mob they just do nothing. Go to the local Mp nothing lol the Greens =0 ,,I know what needs to be done but no one takes note. Green Ay?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:29:52 +0000

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